Smart Grids Development Direction and Performance Index System Research
DOI: 10.12677/SG.2012.24015, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,786  浏览: 13,383 
作者: 陈光一*, 何运维, 臧海欣:杭州天丽科技有限公司能源研究室,杭州
关键词: 智能电网战略能源架构绩效指标Smart Power Grid; Strategic; Energy Structure; Performance Indicators
摘要: 智能电网的提出,是为了应对化石类资源枯竭和气候变化加剧等问题,但事实上,它有着更为丰富的内涵,以及广泛的利益相关方。本文分析了社会各界在智能电网建设工作中应该承担的职责,借助三层战略体系,依次从战略、业务和执行三个层面出发,分别制定了战略层绩效指标、业务层应用方向、技术层重点关注主题等内容,以全面、深入剖析智能电网的本质;通过重点分析战略绩效指标体系,从能源架构三角形:能源安全、能源清洁和能源易用和智能电网五大核心价值的结合点出发,详尽地分析了智能电网发展在宏观上应该重点关注的绩效指标,以期全面、系统性地描述智能电网发展程度,为各方共同推动智能电网建设和发展作出努力。
Abstract: We put forward the intelligent power grid to respond to fossil class exhaustion of resources and climate change aggravation and some other problems. But in fact, the view has richer connotation, as well as a wide range of interested parties. This paper analyzes the responsibility of the social from all walks of life should bear in the intelligent grid construction work. By means of three layer strategy system, we focus on the strategy, business and implementation respectively formulating the strategic layer performance indicators, business layer application direction, technology layer important topic, etc. With a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the essence of intelligent power grid, the analysis of the strategic performance index system, we take into account energy structure triangle, energy security, clean energy, using energy in an easy way and intelligent grid these five core values based on the combining site, and detailed analyzing the intelligent network development in macroscopic should focus on performance indicators. After all the work, we get a comprehensively, systematically description of intelligent power grid development degree, and make effort in promoting intelligent power grid construction and development.
文章引用:陈光一, 何运维, 臧海欣. 智能电网发展方向及绩效指标体系探究[J]. 智能电网, 2012, 2(4): 80-87. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SG.2012.24015


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