(M, i)-quasi-Stirling排列的欧拉多项式的实根性
Real-Rootedness of Eulerian Polynomials on (M, i)-quasi-StirlingPermutations
DOI: 10.12677/AAM.2024.136284, PDF, 下载: 44  浏览: 64 
作者: 陈梦瑜:浙江师范大学数学系, 浙江 金华
关键词: quasi-Stirling排列标号树实根性quasi-Stirling Permutation Labeled Tree Real-Rootedness
摘要: 多重集上的 quasi-Stirling 排列作为 Stirling 排列的推广,其关于统计量的计数多项式的γ-正性、实根性等组合性质引起了众多学者的广泛关注。本文通过应用由Yan-Zhu 引入的quasi-Stirling排列与相关标号树之间的组合双射给出了(M, i)-quasi-Stirling 排列的欧拉多项式的递归关系,并在此基础上证明了该类多项式的实根性,从而得到了 Ma-Pan 关于 (M, i)-多重集排列的欧拉多项式实根性结论的类比结果。
Abstract: quasi-Stirling permutations were introduced as a generalization of Stirling permuta- tions. The combinatorial properties of associated polynomials on quasi-Stirling permu- tations including the gamma-positivity and the real-rootedness have been extensively exploited in the literature. The main objective of this paper is to prove that the Eulerian polynomial on (M, i)-quasi-Stirling permutations is real-rooted. This is ac- complished by deriving the recurrence relations on the related polynomials via the bijection between quasi-Stirling permutations and certain labeled trees introduced by Yan-Zhu. Our result is an analogue of the result due to Ma-Pan concerning the real-rootedness of the Eulerian polynomial on (M, i)-permutations.
文章引用:陈梦瑜. (M, i)-quasi-Stirling排列的欧拉多项式的实根性[J]. 应用数学进展, 2024, 13(6): 2975-2983. https://doi.org/10.12677/AAM.2024.136284


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