Integrating the “Spirit of the Westward Relocation” into Research on Ideological and Political Innovations in Medical Technology Graduate Courses
DOI: 10.12677/ass.2024.135432, PDF, 下载: 70  浏览: 130  科研立项经费支持
作者: 胡小蕾:重庆医科大学检验医学院,微流控与SPRi工程研究中心,临床检验诊断学教育部重点实验室,重庆;袁羽西:重庆医科大学,离退休工作处,重庆;李志芬*:重庆医科大学护理学院,重庆
关键词: “西迁精神”高校课程思政专业发展医学技术“Spirit of Westward Relocation” Higher Education Curriculum Ideology and Politics Professional Development Medical Technology
摘要: 本文旨以“立德树人”的核心理念为指引,探究“西迁精神”这一富含浓厚家国情感与矢志科研精神的历史遗产如何在当今医学技术研究生教育体系中得到有效传承与创新弘扬,从而对研究生的专业成长路径及整个人生规划产生积极而深远的影响。文章通过深入剖析西迁先辈们展现的崇高精神风貌,同时对照审视当下研究生教育的实际情境,主张在全面把握医学技术行业发展脉络的基础上,当代医学技术研究生应当主动地将深厚的家国情怀内化于心、外化于行,使之与个人的专业发展方向紧密融合,从而清晰确立自身的角色定位与发展愿景。
Abstract: Guided by the core concept of “fostering virtue through education”, this article aims to explore how the historical legacy of the “Spirit of the Westward Relocation”, rich in profound national sentiment and a dedication to scientific research, can be effectively inherited and innovatively promoted within today’s medical technology graduate education system, thereby exerting a positive and profound impact on the professional growth paths and overall life planning of graduate students. By delving into the lofty spirit displayed by the predecessors of the westward relocation and contrasting it with the current realities of graduate education, the article advocates that contemporary medical technology graduate students should proactively internalize a deep sense of national belonging and externalize it through action, integrating it closely with their personal professional development directions, thereby clearly establishing their role positioning and development vision.
文章引用:胡小蕾, 袁羽西, 李志芬. “西迁精神”融入医学技术研究生课程思政创新研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2024, 13(5): 579-588. https://doi.org/10.12677/ass.2024.135432


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