Construction and Application of Bona Fide Acquisition System of Civil Lien—An Analysis of a Lien Dispute between Shenzhen Jingji Real Estate Company and Beijing Shenzhou Car Rental Company
DOI: 10.12677/ass.2024.135431, PDF, 下载: 45  浏览: 95 
作者: 姚 壹:华东政法大学,法律学院,上海
关键词: 留置权第三人善意取得Lien Third Party Acquired in Good Faith
摘要: 长久以来,关于民事留置权善意取得制度的构建和适用问题,因其涉及留置权制度与善意取得制度两大制度的交叉与融贯,一直以来是民法中争议较大的问题,司法案例中也多有疑问。文章通过对深圳京基房地产公司与北京神州汽车租赁公司留置权纠纷这一典型案例的分析,对我国民法中民事留置权善意取得制度的建构与适用问题进行深入探讨。文章基于留置权制度的客体理论,分析能否在第三人之物上成立留置权,这对于留置权制度的发展是一个关键性的问题。进一步基于善意取得理论,从其四个主要的构成要件出发,将“善意”要件与留置权理论相结合,在“无权处分”要件上进行改进,则可从权利外观角度扫除其与留置权制度的障碍。基于以上两角度,实现民事留置权与善意取得两大制度的理论贯通,将会对司法实践中出现的类似问题之解决提供思路。
Abstract: For a long time, the construction and application of the bona fide acquisition system of civil lien has been a controversial issue in civil law, and there are many questions in judicial cases, because it involves the intersection and integration of the lien system and bona fide acquisition system Through a typical case of the lien dispute between Shenzhen Jingji Real Estate Company and Beijing Shenzhou Car Rental Company, the construction and application of the bona fide acquisition system of civil lien in China’s civil law can be deeply discussed. Based on the object theory of the lien system, it is a key issue for the development of the lien system to analyze whether a lien can be established on a third party’s property Further based on the theory of bona fide acquisition and its four main constituent elements, combining the bona fide elements with the theory of lien and improving the non-right disposition elements, we can remove the obstacles between it and lien system from the perspective of the appearance of rights Based on the above two perspectives, the realization of the theoretical connection between the two systems of civil lien and bona fide acquisition will provide ideas for solving similar problems in judicial practice.
文章引用:姚壹. 论民事留置权善意取得制度的建构与适用——深圳京基房地产公司与北京神州汽车租赁公司留置权纠纷一案评析[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2024, 13(5): 571-578. https://doi.org/10.12677/ass.2024.135431


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