A Review of the Implementation Effects, Causes, and Development of the “Double Reduction” Policy in Rural Areas
DOI: 10.12677/ass.2024.135428, PDF, 下载: 80  浏览: 226 
作者: 张依然:重庆大学公共管理学院,重庆
关键词: “双减”政策农村地区实施效果The “Double Reduction” Policy Rural Areas Implementation Effect
摘要: “双减”政策实施两年有余,在“全面推进乡村振兴”和“实现义务教育均衡发展”的时代背景下,对“双减”政策在农村地区的实施效果进行研究具有重要意义。文章通过对343篇综合文献进行可视化分析,经过排除纳入了26篇文献,具体分析了“双减”政策在不同内容和不同群体上的效果。结果显示“双减”政策在农村地区已经产生了一些成效,尤其是在课后服务、校外培训治理、教育教学质量管理上有明显成就,但是在作业管理和家校协同上效果不显著。与城市地区相比,农村义务教育在资源因素和家庭因素上都备受限制,必须结合农村特点推动政策实施。目前的研究方法也比较单一,在未来可以采用更多元的研究方法加深对农村“双减”政策的研究。
Abstract: The implementation of the “Double Reduction” policy has been more than two years. In the context of “comprehensively promoting rural revitalization” and “achieving balanced development of compulsory education”, it is of great significance to study the implementation effect of the “Double Reduction” policy in rural areas. This article conducts a visual analysis of 343 comprehensive literature, and then excludes 26 literatures to specifically analyze the effects of the “Double Reduction” policy on different content and groups. The results show that the “Double Reduction” policy has achieved some results in rural areas, especially in after-school services, off campus training governance, and education and teaching quality management. However, the effect is not significant in homework management and home school collaboration. Compared with urban areas, compulsory education in rural areas is limited by both resource and family factors, and policy implementation must be promoted in combination with rural characteristics. The current research methods are also relatively single, and in the future, more diverse research methods can be used to deepen the study of rural “Double Reduction” policies.
文章引用:张依然. “双减”政策在农村地区的实施效果、成因与发展研究综述[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2024, 13(5): 549-557. https://doi.org/10.12677/ass.2024.135428


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