The Realization Path of Education Equity under the Background of Digital Transformation
DOI: 10.12677/ass.2024.135425, PDF, 下载: 55  浏览: 94 
作者: 张文志:武汉工程大学马克思主义学院,湖北 武汉
关键词: 数字化转型教育公平挑战Digital Transformation Education Equity Challenge
摘要: 数字化发展对社会各领域产生了深刻影响,对我国的教育体系产生了冲击,为教育公平的实现提供了契机。文章首先阐明了数字化转型促进教育公平的优势,其次借助湖北省S市与E市教育数字化转型情况分析了数字化转型背景下教育公平所面临的挑战,最后进一步对数字化转型背景下教育公平实现路径进行了探讨。针对基础设施不完善、数字资源分配不均、师生应用水平偏低的现状,提出加大基础设施建设、打造资源共享平台、加强师生能力培养等策略,为数字化转型背景下的教育公平实现提供借鉴与参考。
Abstract: Digital development has a profound impact on various fields of society, has an impact on China’s education system, and provides an opportunity for the realization of educational equity. This paper first expounds the advantages of digital transformation to promote education equity, then analyzes the challenges faced by education equity under the background of digital transformation with the help of the digital transformation of education in S and E cities in Hubei Province, and finally further discusses the realization path of education equity under the background of digital transformation. In view of the current situation of imperfect infrastructure, uneven distribution of digital resources, and low application level of teachers and students, this paper puts forward strategies such as increasing infrastructure construction, building a resource sharing platform, and strengthening the ability training of teachers and students, so as to provide reference for the realization of educational equity under the background of digital transformation.
文章引用:张文志. 数字化转型背景下教育公平的实现路径[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2024, 13(5): 529-535. https://doi.org/10.12677/ass.2024.135425


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