Exploration of “Five-in-One” Teaching Model of Electrical Courses in Robotics Engineering under the Background of “New Engineering”
DOI: 10.12677/ces.2024.125337, PDF, 下载: 102  浏览: 154  科研立项经费支持
作者: 王浩文, 黄江波:长江师范学院机器人工程学院,重庆
关键词: 新工科电类课程人才培养五位一体New Engineering Electrical Courses Talent Training Five-in-One
摘要: 随着新工科建设的推进,机器人工程专业的电类课程教学模式正面临着转型和创新的需求。本研究旨在探讨如何将“产学融合”、“因材施教”、“研究提思”、“实训提能”和“以赛促学”五位一体的教学模式融入电类课程的教学中,以提升学生的实践技能、创新能力和综合素质。通过定性分析和案例研究方法,本文展示了一系列实施策略及其在高校机器人工程专业教学中的应用效果,证明了该教学模式的有效性和必要性。
Abstract: With the advancement of the construction of new engineering disciplines, the teaching model of electrical courses in robotics engineering majors is facing the need for transformation and innovation. This study aims to explore how to integrate the five-in-one teaching model of “integration of industry and academia”, “teaching in accordance with aptitude”, “research and thinking”, “practical training to improve ability” and “promoting learning through competition” into the teaching of electronic courses to improve students’ practical skills, innovation ability and comprehensive quality. Through qualitative analysis and case study methods, this article demonstrates a series of implementation strategies and their application effects in the teaching of robotics engineering majors in colleges and universities, proving the effectiveness and necessity of this teaching model.
文章引用:王浩文, 黄江波. “新工科”背景下机器人工程专业电类课程的“五位一体”教学模式探究[J]. 创新教育研究, 2024, 12(5): 639-647. https://doi.org/10.12677/ces.2024.125337


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