The Influence of Cultural and Creative Product Experience on Customers’ Purchase Intention: The Moderating Effect of Knowledge Level
DOI: 10.12677/ass.2024.135378, PDF, 下载: 80  浏览: 137 
作者: 孔云飞, 杨礼茂:湖北大学商学院,湖北 武汉
关键词: 文创产品顾客体验知识水平购买意愿Cultural and Creative Products Customer Experience Knowledge Level Purchase Intention
摘要: 近年来,我国文化产业实现快速发展,文创产品成为文化产业发展的重要力量。文章基于体验视角,探讨文创产品体验对顾客购买意愿的影响,实证研究结果表明,文创产品体验、顾客感知价值正向影响购买意愿;文创产品体验正向影响顾客感知功能价值和文化价值,对社会价值作用不显著;顾客感知功能价值和文化价值在文创产品体验和购买意愿间起部分中介作用,社会价值中介作用不显著;知识水平调节了文创产品体验和顾客感知价值之间的关系。最后,对文创产品相关企业提出建议:优化文创产品设计,完善用户体验;挖掘文化内涵,加强文化内涵输出;关注消费者个性化需求,提高感知价值。
Abstract: In recent years, China’s cultural industry has achieved rapid development, and cultural and creative products have become an important force in the development of cultural industry. Based on the experience perspective, the article explores the influence of cultural and creative product experience on customers’ purchase intention, and the empirical research results show that cultural and creative product experience and customer perceived value positively influence purchase intention; cultural and creative product experience positively influences customer perceived functional value and cultural value, and the role of social value is not significant; customer perceived functional value and cultural value play a partially intermediary role in the relationship between cultural and creative product experience and purchase intention, and the mediating role of social value is not significant; knowledge level regulates the relationship between cultural and creative product experience and customer perceived value. Knowledge level moderates the relationship between the experience of cultural and creative products and customers’ perceived value. Finally, suggestions are made to enterprises related to cultural and creative products: optimise the design of cultural and creative products to improve user experience; explore the cultural connotation and strengthen the output of cultural connotation; pay attention to the personalised needs of consumers and improve the perceived value.
文章引用:孔云飞, 杨礼茂. 文创产品体验对顾客购买意愿的影响:知识水平的调节效应[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2024, 13(5): 173-184. https://doi.org/10.12677/ass.2024.135378


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