Study of Legal Mechanisms for Cooperation on Ecological and Environmental Protection within the Framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
DOI: 10.12677/ass.2024.134353, PDF, 下载: 137  浏览: 192 
作者: 李能铭:上海政法学院法律学院,上海
关键词: 上合组织生态环保法律机制多边主义SCO Ecological Protection Legal Mechanisms Multilateralism
摘要: 上海合作组织由于多数成员国相互毗邻,地理位置上的联系也使得各国在环境治理方面或多或少面临着相似的问题,在可持续发展日益尤其是碳中和与碳达峰日益受到重视的今天,生态环保更是在世界范围内受到高度关注,诸多国家均通过制定相关法律规定了本国的环境法制度,诸多国际组织也对生态环保合作进行了协商探讨。文章立足上海合作组织已有的组织架构,以及在生态环保方面已经制定的文件,通过对相关文件内容进行梳理,希望以此为基础,尝试从法律机制的角度进行分析,为上海合作组织在生态环保合作领域提供法律方面的新思路。
Abstract: Most of the member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) are in close proximity to each other, and their geographical location also makes them face more or less similar problems in environmental management. In today’s world, where sustainable development, especially carbon neutrality and carbon peaks, are increasingly being emphasized, ecological and environmental protection is receiving a great deal of attention, and many countries have stipulated their own environmental law regimes through the enactment of relevant laws, and many international organizations have also discussed and negotiated on ecological and environmental cooperation. Many countries have enacted relevant laws to provide for their own environmental law systems, and many international organizations have also conducted consultations and discussions on ecological and environmental protection cooperation. This paper is based on the existing organizational structure of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the documents that have been formulated in the field of eco-environmental protection, and by sorting out the contents of the relevant documents, we hope to analyze them from the perspective of the legal mechanism on the basis of the legal mechanism, so as to provide new ideas for the SCO in the field of eco-environ- mental protection cooperation in the field of the legal aspect.
文章引用:李能铭. 上合组织框架下的生态环保合作法律机制研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2024, 13(4): 706-713. https://doi.org/10.12677/ass.2024.134353


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