“互联网 教育”在教学和管理中的应用
The Application of “Internet Education” in Teaching and Management
DOI: 10.12677/ass.2024.134346, PDF, 下载: 67  浏览: 113 
作者: 杨爱敏:北京劳动保障职业学院,北京
关键词: 互联网 信息化德育教育数据分析学习管理班级管理Internet Informationization Moral Education Data Analysis Learn Management Class Management
摘要: 数字化、互联网高度发展的时代,各式各样的内容资源铺天盖地迎面而来,对各行各业都带来了巨大的变革,对教育也是如此。“互联网 教育”在现实生活中越来越被重视,教育部也提出了教育信息化2.0计划,使用信息化手段,教学资源跨越了时间、空间的限制。如何将“互联网 教育”应用于学生管理中是迫在眉睫的事情,文章主要从三个方面的应用进行阐述:德育教育、学习管理和班级管理,通过运用已有的信息化手段,例如即时通信工具、教学APPs、在线精品课程等技术手段外,提出了利用矩阵数据分析方法,与学生管理结合,尤其是未成年学生,更好地进行学生管理,使之适合现代社会发展。
Abstract: With the rapid development of Internet and information technology, a wide variety of content resources are coming to us, which has brought tremendous changes to all walks of life, as well as to education. “Internet education” has been paid more and more attention in real life. The Ministry of Education has also put forward the 2nd plan of educational informatization, using information technology, and the teaching resources span the limitation of time and space. How to apply information technology to student management is an urgent matter. This article mainly elaborates on the application from three aspects: moral education, learning management and class management. Through the use of existing information means, such as instant communication tools, teaching APPs, online quality courses and other technical means, the matrix data analysis method is proposed to combine with student management, especially for underage students, to better manage students and make it suitable for the development of modern society.
文章引用:杨爱敏. “互联网 教育”在教学和管理中的应用[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2024, 13(4): 642-649. https://doi.org/10.12677/ass.2024.134346


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