Development and Design of Integrated Curriculum Based on Basic Skills Training in Our School
摘要: 我校一体化课程主要分为基础技能训练和综合技能训练,基础技能训练一体化课程设计以理论知识、职业技能和职业素养为核心,借助项目教学为载体,制定了教学目标、课程评价标准、教学内容。按照教学目标和教学内容完成了课程五个项目教学的图纸设计、评分标准的制定、技能训练过程中的职业素养评价设计、评分标准的制定。
Abstract: The integrated curriculum of our school is mainly divided into basic skills training and comprehensive skills training. The integrated curriculum design of basic skills training takes theoretical knowledge, vocational skills and professional quality as the core. With the help of project teaching as the carrier, teaching objectives, course evaluation standards and teaching content are formulated. According to the teaching objectives and teaching contents, I completed the drawing design of the five items of the course, the formulation of the scoring standards, the professional quality evaluation design and the formulation of the scoring standards in the process of skill training.
文章引用:张信卿. 基于我校基础技能训练一体化课程开发与设计[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2024, 13(4): 634-641. https://doi.org/10.12677/ass.2024.134345


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