A Review of the Impact of Interpersonal Relationship and Interpersonal Trust on Team Innovation Performance
摘要: 当今复杂多变的市场环境中,企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中取得持续的优势,就必须进行创新。企业是国民经济的细胞,每个企业的技术水平和产品质量不仅关系到自身的经济效益,而且关系到国家的财政收入、经济实力。当今世界各国的竞争,本质上是一场综合国力的较量,而这场较量的核心是经济和科学技术,这种竞争主要通过企业的竞争力表现出来。本文重点探讨了人际关系、人际信任、人际沟通与团队创新绩效的概念、研究维度、测量方法,综述分析了国内相关研究进展。研究工作为广大学者和高新技术企业研发团队提供一定的参考价值。
Abstract: The technical level and product quality of each enterprise are not only related to its own economic benefits, but also to the country’s fiscal revenue and economic strength. The competition among countries in the world today is essentially a contest of comprehensive national strength, and the core of this contest is economy and science and technology. This competition is mainly manifested through the competitiveness of enterprises. This paper focuses on the concept, research dimension and measurement method of interpersonal relationship, interpersonal trust, interpersonal communication and team innovation performance, and summarizes and analyzes the relevant research progress in China. The research work provides a certain reference value for the majority of scholars and high-tech enterprise R & D teams.
文章引用:仲涵歆, 张淑谦. 人际关系与人际信任对团队创新绩效影响的综述[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2024, 13(4): 492-498. https://doi.org/10.12677/ass.2024.134326


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