国内外3~6岁幼儿语言能力发展的相关研究——基于Cite Space的可视化分析
Domestic and Foreign Research on Language Development in 3-6-Year-Old Childhood—Visualization Analysis Based on Cite Space
DOI: 10.12677/ass.2024.134324, PDF, 下载: 119  浏览: 322  科研立项经费支持
作者: 陈启杨:宁波幼儿师范高等专科学校雪门学前教育学院,浙江 宁波;王思涵, 项春烨*:宁波幼儿师范高等专科学校鹤琴学前教育学院,浙江 宁波
关键词: 语言发展Cite Space3~6岁幼儿教育可视化分析Language Development Cite Space 3-6 Years Old Childhood Education Visualization Analysis
摘要: 本文以3~6岁幼儿语言能力发展为主题,采用Cite Space软件分别以关键词、年发文量、核心作者、核心机构等为关键词,对中国知网收录的31篇文章和Web Of Science收录的130篇文章导出相关内容图谱进行可视化分析。基于此,本文建议通过加强幼儿语言教育相关政策体系的建设,促进家长及幼儿园教师对幼儿语言发展的策略、加大幼儿语言教育的宣传等,来提升幼儿语言能力的发展。
Abstract: This article focuses on the language development of children aged 3 to 6. Using Cite Space software, the study conducts a visual analysis of 31 Chinese papers collected in CNKI and 130 English papers collected in Web of Science, covering aspects such as annual publication trends, core authors, literature sources, and keywords. Based on this analysis, the paper suggests that the development of young children’s language ability can be improved by strengthening the construction of the policy system related to early childhood language education, promoting parents’ and kindergarten teachers’ strategies for young children’s language development, and increasing the publicity of early childhood language education.
文章引用:陈启杨, 王思涵, 项春烨. 国内外3~6岁幼儿语言能力发展的相关研究——基于Cite Space的可视化分析[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2024, 13(4): 470-482. https://doi.org/10.12677/ass.2024.134324


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