Direct Presentation of the Hybridity and the Margin—On Li Zishu’s Land of Prevalent Custom
DOI: 10.12677/wls.2024.122015, PDF, 下载: 120  浏览: 239 
作者: 唐芷晴:暨南大学文学院,广东 广州
关键词: 《流俗地》黎紫书混杂马华女性Land of Prevalent Custom Li Zishu Hybridity Malaysian Chinese Females
摘要: 在《流俗地》中,马来西亚华文女作家黎紫书用流动的笔触和写实的手法勾勒了一个处于边缘的马华社群真实生活状况,完成了一次书写在地经验的尝试,使得生活其中的边缘人物得以呈现其真实的生活轨迹,从而呈现马华底层社会的混杂与边缘。文章借助后殖民理论,通过“流动的真实生活”、“混杂的第三空间”以及“边缘以外的女性”三个部分来解读黎紫书的在地书写对多元民族混杂、权力结构、女性成长的关切。
Abstract: In Land of Prevalent Custom, Malaysian Chinese female writer Li Zishu uses fluid strokes and realistic techniques to outline the real life situation of a marginalized Chinese community, completing an attempt to write about local experiences, enabling marginalized characters to present their real life trajectories, and thus presenting the hybridity and the margin of the underclass of the Malaysian society. With the help of postcolonial theories, this paper interprets Li Zishu’s local writing through the three sections of “Mobile Real Life”, “Mixed Third Space” and “Women beyond the Margins”. Through the three sections, we gain comprehensions of Li Zishu’s local writing on the concerns of multi-ethnicity, power structure and female growth.
文章引用:唐芷晴. 混杂与边缘的直接呈现——论黎紫书《流俗地》[J]. 世界文学研究, 2024, 12(2): 92-97. https://doi.org/10.12677/wls.2024.122015


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