Traceability of Dewey’s Democratic View of Education and Its Impact on Children’s Education
DOI: 10.12677/ces.2024.124232, PDF, 下载: 101  浏览: 260  科研立项经费支持
作者: 陈文杰, 陶志琼*:宁波大学教师教育学院,浙江 宁波
关键词: 杜威民主教育观教育哲学儿童教育Dewey Democratic View of Education Philosophy of Education Children’s Education
摘要: 第一次世界大战前,杜威的教育哲学理念强调学习者的个性化和社会化发展,鼓励多样化和创造性的教育,强调以儿童为中心的自然教育观。虽然这些观点在第一次世界大战后未经显著变革,但杜威重新思考民主社会中儿童教育的任务,对教育与社会生活的关联进行深刻反思,倡导教师践行社会责任,将多样的社会问题融入教学体系,以启发儿童并培养探索的习惯,民主教育观“诞生”。民主教育通过引导儿童不断地面对并解决真实的社会难题,提升儿童的民主素养。因此,儿童教育的质量在很大程度上取决于教师对社会责任的承诺。同时,研究杜威的教育哲学,并批判地继承其教育思想,对我国目前正在进行的教育观念的更新和教育制度的改革具有指导意义。
Abstract: Before World War I, Dewey’s philosophical concepts of education emphasized the individualized and social development of the learner, encouraged diverse and creative education, and emphasized a child-centered view of natural education. Although these views were not significantly changed after World War I, Dewey reconsidered the task of educating children in a democratic society, reflected deeply on the connection between education and social life, advocated that teachers practice social responsibility and integrate diverse social issues into the teaching system in order to inspire children and cultivate the habit of exploration, and the democratic view of education was “born The concept of democratic education was “born”. Democratic education enhances children’s democratic literacy by guiding them to face and solve real social problems. Therefore, the quality of children’s education depends to a large extent on teachers’ commitment to social responsibility. At the same time, the study of Dewey’s philosophy of education and the critical inheritance of his educational ideas are of guiding significance to the renewal of the concept of education and the reform of the educational system currently underway in China.
文章引用:陈文杰, 陶志琼. 杜威民主教育观溯源及其对儿童教育的启示[J]. 创新教育研究, 2024, 12(4): 418-424. https://doi.org/10.12677/ces.2024.124232


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