Study on the Influence of Consumer Trust on the Purchase Intention of Cross-Border Import
DOI: 10.12677/ECL.2024.132079, PDF, 下载: 190  浏览: 420 
作者: 孙 珂:上海工程技术大学管理学院,上海
关键词: 跨境进口电商消费者信任购买意愿Cross-Border Import E-Commerce Consumer Trust Purchase Intention
摘要: 随着互联网全球化的速度加快,跨境电商也在快速进步。由于其丰富、操作方便、不受时空和地理因素的制约,使得跨境电商平台上的消费者日益增多。只是,与传统电商相比,跨境进口电商存在的产品、支付、物流、售后等方面的问题影响消费者对跨境进口电商的信任和其购买意愿。因此,研究消费者信任对跨境进口购物意愿的影响十分必要。本文通过对消费者信任和影响跨境进口网购中消费者购买意愿的多种因素的考察,建立了研究模型,提出研究假设,通过发放问卷收集数据,并用SPSS分析得到的数据。调查结果显示:在跨境进口网购中,制度信任中的行政机构监管对消费者的购买意愿影响很小,而法律与技术、投诉反馈管理、第三方支付对其显著影响。同时平台使用体验、商家信誉、平台服务质量也对购买意愿具有显著影响,但是商家规模对其影响很小。最后,基于研究结论提出相应的管理建议,以促进跨境进口电商健康有序发展。
Abstract: With the globalization of Internet technology, cross-border e-commerce has developed rapidly with its features of rich varieties, convenient operation, and being free from time and region restrictions. More and more consumers buy overseas goods through cross-border import platforms. However, compared with traditional domestic e-commerce, issues existing in goods, logistics, after-sales service, payment, and other aspects of cross-border e-commerce influence consumers’ trust in cross-border import e-commerce, thus affecting their purchase intention. Therefore, it is necessary to study the influence of consumer trust on cross-border import shopping intention. On the basis of reviewing the research on consumer trust and various factors affecting the purchase intention of cross-border import consumers, the paper builds a model and puts forward hypotheses. The data is collected by questionnaire survey and processed and analyzed by SPSS. The results show that: In cross-border import online shopping, the administrative supervision in institutional trust has little influence on consumers’ purchase intention, while legal and technical guarantees, complaint feed-back mechanisms, and third-party payment have a significant influence on consumers’ purchase intention. At the same time, the experience of using the platform, the reputation of merchants, and the service quality of the platform have significant impacts on the purchase intention of cross-border import consumers, while the merchant scale doesn’t. In the end, based on the conclu-sions, corresponding management proposals are put forward to promote the healthy and orderly development of cross-border import e-commerce.
文章引用:孙珂. 消费者信任对跨境进口购买意愿的影响研究[J]. 电子商务评论, 2024, 13(2): 695-707. https://doi.org/10.12677/ECL.2024.132079


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