Research on the Manifestations, Causes and Countermeasures of Digital Hoarding Behavior among Young People
DOI: 10.12677/ass.2024.134308, PDF, 下载: 102  浏览: 181  科研立项经费支持
作者: 方 悦, 杨月影, 王 恋, 应 洁, 许加明*:淮阴工学院人文学院,江苏 淮安
关键词: 数字信息数字囤积青年群体Digital Information Digital Hoarding YouthGroups
摘要: 青年群体是接触数字化信息最多的群体,随着数字技术的高速发展,青年群体出现了日益普遍的数字囤积行为,对其心理、工作和生活等方面产生了负面影响,如果任其发展则会导致社会失序问题,所以青年群体与数字信息囤积的矛盾亟待解决。青年群体数字囤积行为主要表现为囤积信息内容丰富、来源众多、欠缺组织、利用率低和删除困难,其形成原因既包括外在客观因素即数字信息及设备因素和社会期待因素,也包括内在主观因素即个人心理因素和能力因素。依据I-PACE模型制定青年群体数字囤积行为的应对策略,为青年群体缓解数字囤积行为所带来的负面影响,可以帮助青年群体理性利用网络资源,变数字之“困”为数字之益,获得更好的成长,并促进社会和谐与稳定。
Abstract: The youth group is the most exposed to digital information group, with the rapid development of digital technology, the youth group has an increasingly common digital hoarding behavior, which has a negative impact on its psychology, work and life, if allowed to develop it will lead to social disorder problem, so the contradiction between the youth group and digital information hoarding needs to be solved. The digital hoarding behavior of youth group is mainly manifested as rich content of hoarding information, numerous sources, lack of organization, low utilization rate and difficulty in deletion. The reasons for its formation include external objective factors, namely digital information and equipment factors and social expectation factors, but also include internal subjective factors, namely personal psychological factors and ability factors. Developing coping strategies for digital hoarding behavior of the youth group based on the I-PACE model, so as to alleviate the negative impact of digital hoarding behavior of youth group, we can help the youth group rationally use network resources, change the “difficulty” of digital into “benefit” of digital, achieve better growth, and promote social harmony and stability.
文章引用:方悦, 杨月影, 王恋, 应洁, 许加明. 青年群体数字囤积行为的表现、成因及对策研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2024, 13(4): 354-360. https://doi.org/10.12677/ass.2024.134308


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