Relief of the Legal Dilemma of the Judicial Application of Blockchain Evidence
DOI: 10.12677/ass.2024.134307, PDF, 下载: 36  浏览: 57  科研立项经费支持
作者: 杜满巍:浙江农林大学文法学院,浙江 杭州
关键词: 区块链证据司法适用存证平台证据资格证明标准Blockchain Evidence Judicial Application Evidence Depository Platform Evidence Qualification Standard of Proof
摘要: 区块链证据因其防篡改的技术特性极大地弥补了电子数据易篡改的天然缺陷。然而,区块链证据在司法适用过程中面临着存证平台法律定位不明、证据资格审查规则缺失、证明标准参差不齐的法律困境。存证平台法律定位不明引发信用背书问题,需要从区块链证据的技术本质出发重塑存证平台的法律定位,明确存证平台的社会职能;证据资格审查规则缺失导致认证虚化,需要围绕区块链证据的合法性、真实性和关联性构建起证据资格审查规则;证明标准不一导致区块链证据证明力认定难以客观化,应当基于区块链证据自身的生成环境分别面向链上和链下两种证据情形统一区块链证据的证明力标准。
Abstract: The blockchain evidence makes up the natural defect of electronic data easy to be tampered because of its tamper-proof technical characteristics. However, in the process of judicial application, the blockchain evidence is faced with the dilemma of the unclear legal position of the evidence depositing platform, the lack of the rules of evidence qualification examination and the uneven standards of proof. The unclear legal position of the depository platform causes the problem of credit endorsement, which needs to rebuild the legal position of the depository platform based on the technological nature of the blockchain evidence, make clear the social function of the certificate depositing platform; the lack of the rules of evidence qualification examination leads to the certificate virtualization, it is necessary to construct the rules of evidence qualification censoring around the legality, authenticity and relevance of blockchain evidence, based on the environment of blockchain evidence itself, we should unify the probative standard of blockchain evidence in the two cases of up-chain evidence and down-chain evidence.
文章引用:杜满巍. 区块链证据司法适用的法律困境纾解[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2024, 13(4): 348-353. https://doi.org/10.12677/ass.2024.134307


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