A Study on Strategies for Cultivating High School Students’ English Cross-Cultural Communication Skills under the Background of “Three New Policies”
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2024.133199, PDF, 下载: 89  浏览: 309  科研立项经费支持
作者: 刘义贞, 魏莉芳:绍兴文理学院外国语学院,浙江 绍兴
关键词: “三新”政策跨文化交际能力跨文化教学培养策略“Three New Policies” Cross-Cultural Communication Skills Cross-Cultural Teaching Training Strategies
摘要: 语言和文化不可分割。高中英语教学往往重视语言知识的学习而忽略了文化其实也是语言学习的重要组成部分。本研究基于“新课标•新教材•新高考”背景,探索英语教学中高中生跨文化交际能力的培养策略。相关教育工作者可以采取:(1) “三新”政策解读具体化;(2) “教学研”一体化;(3) 教师跨文化项目培训知识化;(4) 跨文化教学课程专业化细致化;(5) 跨文化教育国际化信息化;(6) 新教材内容使用最优化等策略,在贯彻“三新”政策对于跨文化知识学习的要求下推动高中英语教育以及学生的跨文化交际能力发展。
Abstract: Language and culture are inseparable. High school English teaching often emphasizes the learning of language knowledge while neglecting that culture is an essential component of language learning. This study is based on the “New Curriculum Standards, New Textbooks, and New College Entrance Examinations” background to explore strategies for cultivating high school students' cross-cultural communication skills in English teaching. Relevant educators can adopt strategies such as (1) Concrete interpretation of the “Three New Policies”; (2) Integration of teaching and research; (3) Knowledge-based cross-cultural project training for teachers; (4) Professionalization and refinement of cross-cultural teaching courses; (5) Internationalization and informatization of cross-cultural education; (6) Optimization use of new textbook content, which can effectively promote English education and the development of students’ cross-cultural communication skills under the implementation of the “Three New Policies” requirements for cross-cultural knowledge learning.
文章引用:刘义贞, 魏莉芳. “三新”背景下高中生英语跨文化交际能力培养策略研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2024, 13(3): 157-165. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2024.133199


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