The Construction of Ideological-Political Blended Teaching Mode of English Phonetics Based on Shaoxing Culture with Production-Oriented Approach
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2024.123141, PDF, 下载: 189  浏览: 244  科研立项经费支持
作者: 李 桦:浙江越秀外国语学院英语学院,浙江 绍兴
关键词: 产出导向绍兴文化英语语音课程思政混合式教学Production-Oriented Shaoxing Culture English Phonetics Ideological-Political Blended Teaching
摘要: 立德树人是我国高等教育的根本任务,课程思政是落实立德树人根本任务的重要战略举措。同时,将优秀地方文化融入课程思政教学工作是推进高校立德树人的重要路径之一。绍兴文化历史悠久、内涵丰富、形式多样,具有深厚的育人价值。绍兴地方高校应将绍兴文化深度融入课程思政教学工作。根据中国特色外语教学理论“产出导向法”,英语语音教学可依托绍兴文化,结合现代教育技术,从教学内容、教学模式、教学评价、教学实践等多方面将绍兴文化有机融入,构建具有地方文化特色的课程思政混合式教学模式,为融入优秀地方文化的外语类课程思政教学研究与实践提供有益参考。
Abstract: Moral education is the fundamental task of higher education in China, and curriculum-based ideological and political teaching is a strategic measure to implement this fundamental task. Integrating excellent local culture into curriculum-based ideological and political teaching is one of the important ways to promote moral education in colleges and universities. Shaoxing culture, which has a long history, rich connotation, various forms, is of profound educational value. Shaoxing local colleges and universities should deeply integrate Shaoxing culture into curriculum-based ideological and political teaching. According to production-oriented approach, which is the foreign language teaching theory with Chinese characteristics, English Phonetics teaching can rely on Shaoxing culture and use modern educational technology to integrate Shaoxing culture from the aspects of teaching content, teaching mode, teaching evaluation and teaching practice, so as to construct an ideological-political blended teaching mode with local cultural characteristics, and provide a useful reference for the research and practice of ideological and political teaching of foreign language courses integrated with excellent local culture.
文章引用:李桦. 产出导向下深融绍兴文化的英语语音课程思政混合式教学模式构建[J]. 创新教育研究, 2024, 12(3): 125-133. https://doi.org/10.12677/CES.2024.123141


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