Clinical Characteristics of Allergic Conjunctivitis in Pilots
DOI: 10.12677/ACM.2024.142427, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 179  浏览: 222 
作者: 严 冬:联勤保障部队大连康复疗养中心,辽宁 大连
关键词: 过敏性结膜炎临床特点飞行员Allergic Conjunctivitis Clinical Features Pilots
摘要: 目的:分析飞行员患过敏性结膜炎的临床特点。方法:选取2020年1月~2023年12月在我中心保健疗养被诊断为过敏性结膜炎的飞行员116例,对其症状和体征进行评估,分析其临床特点。结果:116例过敏性结膜炎均为双眼发病,年龄、地域均无统计学意义。主观症状中眼痒的发生率最高,为97.6%;其次为异物感,发生率为85.0%。在体征上检查所见结膜充血发病率为91.8%、上睑结膜乳头发生率为90%,上脸结膜滤泡发生率为75.9%。飞行员过敏性结膜炎发病多为季节性过敏性结膜炎,春季、秋季多发。其次是常年性过敏性结膜炎和春季角结膜炎。眼痒、异物感的症状多与睑结膜乳头和滤泡相关(均P < 0.05)。结论:飞行员过敏性结膜炎最常见的症状是眼氧和异物感,体征上多表现为结膜充血、睑结膜乳头、睑结膜滤泡。症状和体征积分上春季角结膜炎最高,其次为常年性过敏性结膜炎,最后是季节性过敏性结膜炎(P < 0.01)。
Abstract: Objective: To analyze the clinical characteristics of allergic conjunctivitis in pilots. Methods: A total of 116 pilots diagnosed with allergic conjunctivitis in our center from January 2020 to December 2023 were selected to evaluate their signs and symptoms and analyze their clinical characteristics. Results: All 116 cases of allergic conjunctivitis were binocular, and there was no statistical signifi-cance in age or region. Among the subjective symptoms, the incidence of ocular itch was the highest (97.6%). The second was foreign body sensation (85.0%), conjunctival hyperemia (91.8%), upper eyelid conjunctival papillae (90%) and upper face conjunctival follicles (75.9%). The incidence of allergic conjunctivitis in pilots is usually seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, which occurs frequently in spring and autumn. This was followed by perennial allergic conjunctivitis and vernal keratocon-junctivitis. The symptoms of ocular itching and foreign body sensation were mostly related to pal-pebral conjunctival papillae and follicles (P < 0.05). Conclusion: The most common symptoms of al-lergic conjunctivitis in pilots are ocular oxygen and foreign body sensation, and the signs are con-junctival congestion, conjunctival papillae and conjunctival follicles. In terms of symptoms and signs, spring keratoconjunctivitis was the highest, followed by perennial allergic conjunctivitis and seasonal allergic conjunctivitis (P < 0.01).
文章引用:严冬. 飞行员过敏性结膜炎的临床特点[J]. 临床医学进展, 2024, 14(2): 3018-3023. https://doi.org/10.12677/ACM.2024.142427

1. 引言

过敏性结膜炎是一类眼表过敏性疾病,是结膜对过敏原产生异常的、过高的免疫应答。近年来其发病率越来越高,据相关资料显示其患病率约为15%~40% [1] [2] [3] ,尤其是飞行员,给其空中作业造成一定影响。笔者将116例飞行员的过敏性结膜炎进行详细临床观察,以总结其临床特点。

2. 材料与方法


Table 1. Itchy eye symptom scoring criteria

表1. 眼痒症状评分标准

Table 2. Foreign body sensation symptom scoring criteria

表2. 异物感症状评分标准

Table 3. Symptom scoring criteria for dry eyes

表3. 眼干涩症状评分标准

Table 4. Tearful symptom scoring criteria

表4. 流泪症状评分标准

Table 5. Criteria for scoring signs of conjunctival congestion

表5. 结膜充血体征评分标准

Table 6. Criteria for scoring conjunctival edema signs

表6. 结膜水肿体征评分标准

Table 7. Criteria for scoring signs of conjunctival nipple hyper plasia

表7. 睑结膜乳头增生体征评分标准

Table 8. Criteria for scoring signs of eyelid conjunctival follicle

表8. 睑结膜滤泡体征评分标准

Table 9. Criteria for scoring conjunctival secretions

表9. 分泌物体征评分标准

Table 10. Criteria for scoring signs of Horner-Trantas nodules on the corneal margin

表10. 角膜缘Horner-Trantas结节体征评分标准

Table 11. Corneal epithelial sign scoring criteria

表11. 角膜上皮体征评分标准

Table 12. Scoring criteria for skin signs of lower eyelid

表12. 下睑皮肤体征评分标准

Table 13. Visual impairment sign scoring criteria

表13. 视力下降体征评分标准

3. 结果




Table 14. Symptoms, signs and total scores of different types of allergic conjunctivitis

表14. 不同类型过敏性结膜炎症状、体征及总积分情况

三种类型过敏性结膜炎症状,体征和总积分比较有统计学差异(P < 0.01)。

季节性过敏性结膜炎:症状与体征积分较常年性和春季结膜炎低。春季角结膜眼症状和体征积分最高。季节性过敏性结膜炎在春季好发,秋季冷空气也易感。常年性过敏性结膜炎可能与螨虫、动物毛发等有关,有资料称也可能有季节性过敏性结膜炎迁延而来 [4] 。春季角结膜炎症状相对严重,眼痒明显,上睑结膜可见巨乳头和Horner-Trantas结节。三种类型过敏性结膜炎的眼痒及异物感症状均与睑结膜乳头增生和滤泡相关,但程度有所不同。

4. 讨论

过敏性结膜炎最主要的症状是眼痒,病情反复发作,其次为异物感、烧灼感、眼干涩,伴或不伴流泪、分泌物增多、畏光等。体征上睑结膜可见明显的乳头增生和滤泡形成,伴有不同程度的结膜充血,水肿。临床上分五大类 [5] :1) 季节性过敏性结膜炎;2) 常年性过敏性结膜炎;3) 春季角结膜炎;4) 特应性角结膜炎;5) 巨乳头性结膜炎。此文在飞行员中未见特应性角结膜炎和巨乳头性结膜炎。诊断过敏性结膜炎除了家族史、过敏史、用药史、是否戴隐形眼镜、发病季节等,主要根据患者的主诉和体征,很少使用其他辅助检查。笔者认为目前临床对过敏性结膜炎的诊治仍然未引起足够重视。消除患者不适症状以提高生活质量,尤其是飞行员,空中作业危险系数高,若有过敏性结膜炎症状更不利于飞行工作。因此将过敏性结膜炎的症状和体征根据不同程度进行分级,再进行评估,有利于总结其临床特点并有针对性的制定合理的治疗方案,开拓诊疗新思路,提高患者的疗效和预后。


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[2] Gomes, P.J. (2014) Trends in Prevalence and Treatment of Ocular Allergy. Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 14, 451-456.
[3] O’brien, T.P. (2013) Allergic Conjunctivitis: An Update on Diagnosis and Management. Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 13, 543-549.
[4] 刘祖国, 等. 过敏性结膜炎的临床特点[J]. 中国实用眼科杂志, 2004, 22(9): 694-697.
[5] 洪佳旭, 徐建江. 对比美国眼科临床指南(PPP)过敏性结膜炎分册与《我国过敏性结膜炎诊断和治疗专家共识(2018年)》[J]. 中国眼耳鼻喉科杂志, 2018, 18(4): 227-229.