Application Significance and Progress of 3D Gait Analysis for Correction of Equinus Foot Deformity
DOI: 10.12677/HJS.2012.12002, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 3,391  浏览: 14,692  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 于涛, 杨云峰, 俞光荣:同济大学附属同济医院骨科
关键词: 三维步态分析手术治疗马蹄足疗效3D Gait Analysis; Surgical Treatment; Equines Foot Deformity; Efficacy
摘要: 目的:总结三维步态分析在矫治马蹄足畸形中的应用意义和进展,分析存在的问题和进一步研究方向。方法:查阅近年来三维步态分析与马蹄足畸形相关的国内外基础和临床文献,进行总结分析。结果:三维步态分析系统的客观参数不仅可以指导帮助手术方法的选择,还有助于分析和比较手术疗效、研究和探索发病机制。结论:三维步态分析在马蹄足畸形的矫治过程中有较大应用意义和前景,进一步工作方向为大样本的病例研究和国人正常值数据库的建立。
Abstract: Objective: To review the application significance and progress of 3D gait analysis for the correction of equinus foot deformity and to analyze the problems at present as well as to predict the trend of development in the field. Methods: Domestic and abroad literature concerning the methods of 3D gait analysis applied in equinus foot deformity in recent years was reviewed extensively and thoroughly analyzed. Results: 3D gait analysis was effective not only to help preoperative decision making but also to quantify the results of the treatment and to explore the pathogenesis of equinus foot deformity. Conclusion: There is great significance and prospect of 3D gait analysis applied in the treatment for equinus foot deformity, however, studies of large sample and establishment of normal database need to explore further.
文章引用:于涛, 杨云峰, 俞光荣. 三维步态分析在矫治马蹄足畸形中的应用意义和进展[J]. 外科, 2012, 1(2): 5-10. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJS.2012.12002


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