Development Characteristics and Perfection of Chinese Criminal Rule of Law Modernization
DOI: 10.12677/OJLS.2024.122109, PDF, 下载: 219  浏览: 293 
作者: 孙墨成:中国政法大学法学院,北京
关键词: 刑法教义犯罪结构积极刑法观人工智能Criminal Law Doctrine Criminal Structure Positive Criminal Law View Artificial Intelligence
摘要: 实现中国式刑事法治现代化是实现中国式法治现代化的重要组成部分,是全面推进依法治国的必由之路。刑事法治的发展必要以中国式刑事法治现代化为引领,着力构建面向未来的中国特色刑事法治体系。刑事法治的发展涵盖犯罪学、刑事法学、刑事诉讼法学、刑事执行法学等诸多范畴,甚至与法社会学、法经济学等学科相互交叉,由此方能实现中国式刑事法治现代化。刑事法治的发展涵盖犯罪结构的变迁、积极主义刑法观的贯彻与调和、法教义学的精细化与本土化、网络刑法的体系构建与发展以及刑事程序法的理念更迭与制度创新等五个面向。刑事法治未来应在以下四个方面精进:首先,回应风险社会,积极开展轻罪治理;其次,贯彻少捕慎诉慎押刑事司法政策,不断深化人权保障;再次,关注人工智能发展,构建数字时代刑事法治体系;最后,立足本土实践,着力构建中国特色刑法教义学体系。
Abstract: Realizing the modernization of Chinese criminal rule of law is an important part of realizing the modernization of Chinese rule of law, and it is the only way to comprehensively promote the rule of law. The development of criminal rule of law must be guided by the modernization of Chinese criminal rule of law, and strive to build a future-oriented criminal rule of law system with Chinese characteristics. The development of criminal rule of law covers many fields such as criminology, criminal law, criminal procedure law, criminal execution law, and even intersects with sociology of law, economics of law and other disciplines, so as to realize the modernization of Chinese criminal rule of law. The development of criminal rule of law includes five aspects: the change of criminal structure, the implementation and harmonization of active criminal law view, the refinement and localization of legal doctrine, the construction and development of network criminal law system, and the change of idea and system innovation of criminal procedure law. The future of criminal rule of law should be improved in the following four aspects: First, respond to the risk society, and actively carry out misdemeanor management; Second, we will implement the criminal justice policy of careful prosecution and careful detention, and continue to deepen human rights protection. Third, pay attention to the development of artificial intelligence and build a criminal rule of law system in the digital era; Finally, based on the local practice, focus on the construction of Chinese characteristics of the criminal law doctrine system.
文章引用:孙墨成. 中国式刑事法治现代化的发展特征及其完善[J]. 法学, 2024, 12(2): 773-778.


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