Research on Cross-Border Telecommunication Fraud Crimes and Their Governance
DOI: 10.12677/OJLS.2024.122105, PDF, 下载: 184  浏览: 357 
作者: 李可秀:宁波大学马克思主义学院,浙江 宁波
关键词: 跨境电信诈骗法律治理反诈Cross-Border Telecommunication Fraud Legal Governance Counter-Fraud
摘要: 近几年,全国各地电信诈骗的案例越来越多,随着警方的打击力度增强,有不少犯罪团伙已经转移至境外对我国国民进行跨境电信诈骗。跨境电信网络诈骗对社会产生的危害极大,必须对其进行严厉打击和严格治理。在此背景下,本文将通过对跨境电信诈骗的背景意义及概述、分析跨境电信诈骗的特征、分析跨境电信诈骗的治理难度及我国对跨境电信诈骗的治理路径四个方面进行研究,重点从跨境执法取证侦查难、跨境执法抓捕难两个方面分析跨境电信诈骗的治理难度,提出了从强化跨境合作、建立数据库,实现情报共享两个方面的治理路径,期望能够达到民众防范电信诈骗、为我国跨境电信诈骗犯罪治理提供相关建议的目的。
Abstract: In recent years, there have been an increasing number of cases of telecom fraud across the country, and as police crackdowns have intensified, a number of criminal gangs have moved outside the country to commit cross-border telecommunication fraud against our nationals. Cross-border telecommunication network fraud produces great harm to the society, and it must be cracked down and strictly governed. In this context, this paper will study four aspects of cross-border telecommunica-tion fraud through an overview of cross-border telecommunication fraud, analyzing the characteristics of cross-border telecommunication fraud, analyzing the governance difficulty of cross-border telecommunication fraud and China’s governance path of cross-border telecommunication fraud, focusing on the difficulty of cross-border telecommunication fraud from the cross-border law enforcement forensic investigation, cross-border law enforcement apprehension difficulties in two aspects of cross-border telecommunication fraud, and put forward the governance path of cross-border cooperation, establishment of databases, and realization of intelligence sharing in two aspects, hoping to be able to achieve the people to prevent telecom fraud, for China’s cross-border telecom fraud crime governance to provide relevant recommendations for the purpose.
文章引用:李可秀. 跨境电信诈骗犯罪及其治理研究[J]. 法学, 2024, 12(2): 749-755. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJLS.2024.122105


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