On the Effectiveness of Related Party Guarantee of One Person Company
DOI: 10.12677/OJLS.2024.122094, PDF, 下载: 102  浏览: 149 
作者: 高子寒:北方民族大学法学院,宁夏 银川
关键词: 关联担保一人公司法人人格否认Related Guarantee One Person Corporate Disregard of Corporate Personality
摘要: 我国现行商事立法虽然肯定了公司关联担保的法律效力,但一人公司因其组织架构的特殊性未被明确能够适用,学界对于此也没有统一标准。在疫情导致经济衰退,造成中小企业融资困难的背景下我国在民商法领域所依照的“法无禁止即自由”的法理以及便于企业融资的立法原则,承认一人公司关联担保的有效性更利于体现意思自治原则,也不违反《公司法》16条的立法原意。有关持反对态度学者主张一人公司关联担保可能引发的损坏债权人利益问题,在现行法语境下可主张无效民事法律行为、一人公司格否认举证责任倒置制度或债权人撤销权、代位权的行使以救济。为使一人公司关联担保在合法化与规范化轨道上运行,建议在我国《公司法》中增设一人公司关联担保的专门条款,并对关联担保行为的实施附加法定限制条件,以便更好地保护一人公司债权人利益。
Abstract: Although China’s current commercial legislation has affirmed the legal effect of the company-related guarantee, a one-person company has not been clearly applied due to the particularity of its organizational structure, and there is no unified standard in the academic community. In the outbreak of economic recession, causing small and mediumsized enterprises financing difficulties in our country in the field of the “law is free” legal and convenient enterprise financing legislation principle, admit the effectiveness of a company associated guarantee more conducive to reflect the principle of autonomy, also does not violate the company law of article 16 of the original meaning. In the context of the current law, one person can claim that the company denies the inversion system of the burden of proof or the exercise of the creditor’s right of cancellation and the right. In order to make the related guarantee of one company run on the track of legalization and standardization, it is suggested to add special provisions of the related guarantee of one company in the Company Law of China, and attach legal restrictions to the related guarantee behavior, so as to better protect the interests of the creditors of one company.
文章引用:高子寒. 论一人公司关联担保效力[J]. 法学, 2024, 12(2): 665-670. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJLS.2024.122094


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