Discussion on Legal Issues in FTA Digital Trade
DOI: 10.12677/OJLS.2024.122093, PDF, 下载: 243  浏览: 345 
作者: 付 真:新疆大学法学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐
关键词: 自由贸易协定数字贸易数据流动Free Trade Area Digital Trade Data Flow
摘要: 数字贸易兴起,比较美式、欧式、中式FTA,总结FTA数字贸易现存的关键问题和中国与之存在的差距:数字贸易市场准入问题,发达国家赞成永久免收关税,发展中国家反对;数字贸易便利化问题,各国都在促进电子认证和电子签名的互认、互操作性,提高无纸化贸易标准方面达成合作,但是这些规定大多不具有约束力;数据流动与数据安全问题,发达国家主张跨境数据自由流动、禁止数据本地化、禁止强制公开源代码,这些都给发展中国家带来挑战;在电子商务用户权益保护问题上,中国与欧盟FTA数字贸易规则在网络消费者保护、个人信息保护有较大差距,为应对发达国家FTA带来的贸易挑战,中国可以通过明确非歧视待遇原则来降低市场准入门槛。为实现贸易便利化可以推动数字贸易便利化的发展,完善电子签名的认证制度和法律,平衡数据流动与数据安全之间的关系,健全数据流动管理制度,加强电子商务用户权利保护。
Abstract: The rise of digital trade, comparing American, European and Chinese FTAs, summarizing the exist-ing key problems of FTA digital trade and the gap between China and it: the market access of digital trade, developed countries are in favor of permanent tariff exemption, while developing countries are against it; On the issue of digital trade facilitation, all countries have reached cooperation in promoting mutual recognition and interoperability of electronic authentication and electronic signature and improving paperless trade standards, but most of these provisions are not binding; Data flow and data security issues, developed countries advocate the free flow of cross-border data, prohibit data localization, and prohibit compulsory source code disclosure, all of which bring challenges to developing countries; On the protection of e-commerce users’ rights and interests, there is a big gap between China and EU FTA digital trade rules in terms of online consumer protection and personal information protection. In order to meet the trade challenges brought by FTA in developed countries, China can lower the market entry threshold by clarifying the principle of non-discrimination treatment. In order to realize trade facilitation, we can promote the development of digital trade facilitation, improve the authentication system and laws of electronic signatures, balance the relationship between data flow and data security, improve the data flow management system, and strengthen the protection of e-commerce users’ rights.
文章引用:付真. 浅谈FTA数字贸易中的法律问题[J]. 法学, 2024, 12(2): 657-664. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJLS.2024.122093


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