The Distribution and Correlation of TCM Constitution and Syndrome Types in 200 Patients with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Sequelae
DOI: 10.12677/ACM.2024.142319, PDF, 下载: 199  浏览: 281  科研立项经费支持
作者: 毛仙菊, 陈 宇, 赵 彩:贵州中医药大学第二临床医学院,贵州 贵阳;秦 娟:贵阳市妇幼保健院妇科,贵州 贵阳
关键词: 盆腔炎性疾病后遗症中医体质证型相关性研究 TCM Constitution Type of Syndrome Correlation Study>
摘要: 目的:探索盆腔炎性疾病后遗症(sequelae of pelvic inflammatory disease, SPID)中医体质与中医证型的分布及相关性,为临床SPID患者进行早发现、早预防、早治疗提供科学依据。方法:通过现场问卷调查,选取确诊为SPID的200例患者进行统计分析,得出SPID患者中医证型及中医体质的分布情况,采用对应分析的方法探讨出中医证型与中医体质分类的相关性。结果:SPID患者体质以阳虚质(27.0%)、湿热质(21.5%)及气郁质(11.5%)为主,中医证型以寒湿凝滞证(29.00%)为主,其次为湿热瘀结证(27.50%)、气滞血瘀证(20.00%)、气虚血瘀(19.00%)、肾虚血瘀证(4.50%)。对应分析得出阳虚质与寒湿凝滞证相关,湿热质与湿热瘀结证相关,气郁质与气滞血瘀证相关,表明阳虚质人群多表现为寒湿凝滞证,同理,湿热质人群多表现为湿热瘀结证、气郁质人群多表现为气滞血瘀证。结论:SPID的易感体质为阳虚质、湿热质、气郁质,中医证型与中医体质具有相关性,体质类型影响临床证侯的发生发展,通过中医“辨体–辨病–辨证”原则,对SPID患者体质进行早干预,拟定个体化治疗方案,以提高临床疗效。
Abstract: Objective: To study the correlation between traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) syndrome types and physique types in patients with sequelae of pelvic inflammatory disease (SPID), so as to provide scientific basis for early detection, prevention and treatment of patients with SPID. Methods: Through field questionnaire survey, 200 patients diagnosed with SPID were selected for statistical analysis, and obtained the distribution of TCM syndrome types and TCM constitution of SPID pa-tients by using corresponding analysis methods, the degree of correlation between the syndrome type and the physique type. Result: The main constitutions of SPID patients were Yang deficiency (27.0%), damp-heat (21.5%) and qi stagnation (11.5%), and the main TCM syndroms were cold- dampness stagnation syndrome (29.00%). The following are damp heat stasis syndrome (27.50%), qi stagnation and blood stasis syndrome (20.00%), qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome (19.00%), and kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome (4.50%). Corresponding analysis shows that Yang deficiency is related to cold-dampness stagnation syndrome, damp-heat syndrome is re-lated to damp-heat stasis syndrome, and Qi stagnation quality is related to Qi stagnation blood sta-sis syndrome, indicating that people with Yang deficiency syndrome are mostly manifested as cold-dampness stagnation syndrome. Similarly, people with damp-heat syndrome are mostly mani-fested as damp-heat stasis syndrome, and people with Qi-stagnation blood stasis syndrome. Conclu-sion: The susceptible constitution of SPID is Yang deficiency, damp-heat and qi stagnation, and the syndrome type of TCM is related to the constitution of TCM, and the constitution type affects the oc-currence and development of clinical syndrome. According to the principle of “body discrimina-tion-disease discrimination-syndrome differentiation” of TCM, early intervention can be carried out on the constitution of patients with SPID, and individualized treatment plan can be drawn up to improve clinical curative effect.
文章引用:毛仙菊, 陈宇, 赵彩, 秦娟. 200例盆腔炎性疾病后遗症患者中医体质与证型分布规律及相关性研究[J]. 临床医学进展, 2024, 14(2): 2271-2278. https://doi.org/10.12677/ACM.2024.142319


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