Exploring the Causes of Rural Theme’s Popularity in the Short Video Era
DOI: 10.12677/JC.2024.121001, PDF, 下载: 276  浏览: 431 
作者: 豆惠笛, 万 莹:河北师范大学新闻传播学院,河北 石家庄
关键词: 短视频农村题材美丽乡村建设 Short Videos Rural Themes Beautiful Rural Construction
摘要: 随着社交媒体时代的发展,农村题材成为了短视频内容新的突破口。本论文旨在探究短视频时代下农村题材走红的成因,以抖音账号“东北雨姐”为例进行深入分析。通过对该账号在抖音平台上的案例进行研究,可以帮助我们更好地理解短视频发展的动因,更能为短视频行业成熟期下,农村题材内容的良性发展寻求出路,并为美丽乡村建设赋能。
Abstract: With the development of the social media era, rural themes have become a new breakthrough in short video content. This paper aims to explore the reasons for the popularity of rural topics in the era of short videos, and takes the TikTok account “Northeast Rainy Sister” as an example to conduct in-depth analysis. By studying the case of this account on the TikTok platform, we can better understand the reasons for the development of short video, find a way out for the healthy development of rural theme content in the mature period of the short video industry, and empower the beautiful rural construction.
文章引用:豆惠笛, 万莹. 短视频时代下农村题材走红成因探究[J]. 新闻传播科学, 2024, 12(1): 1-4. https://doi.org/10.12677/JC.2024.121001


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