Research on the Design of Red Cultural and Creative Products in Yancheng City from the Perspective of Cultural and Tourism Integration
DOI: 10.12677/Design.2024.91006, PDF, 下载: 154  浏览: 236 
作者: 陆明珺:江苏大学马克思主义学院,江苏 镇江
关键词: 文旅融合红色文化文化产品Integration of Culture and Tourism Red Culture Cultural Products
摘要: 随着我国全面建成小康社会,实现了全面脱贫攻坚的历史任务后,人们对于精神文化上的需要有了进一步的提升,极大地促进了我国文化和旅游产业的发展。在文旅融合的大背景下,文创产品如何进一步创新设计,从而推动传统文化和旅游业的繁荣这一问题也面临着新的挑战。江苏省盐城市作为新四军重建军部所在地,拥有着丰富的红色文化资源。当下,盐城市红色文创产品存在同质性现象严重、实用性不足的情况,创新能力需要进一步提高。创新对盐城红色文旅产品的设计,有利于传承好盐城的红色文化和革命精神,进一步深度发展盐城市文旅产业,推动红色革命文化为更多人所知。
Abstract: With the comprehensive construction of a moderately prosperous society in China and the achievement of the historical task of poverty alleviation, people’s spiritual and cultural needs have been further enhanced, greatly promoting the development of China’s cultural and tourism industries. In the context of cultural and tourism integration, the issue of how cultural and creative products can be further innovatively designed to promote the prosperity of traditional culture and tourism is also facing new challenges. Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, as the location of the New Fourth Army’s reconstruction headquarters, has rich red cultural resources. At present, there is a serious phenomenon of homogeneity and insufficient practicality in the red cultural and creative products of Yancheng City, and the innovation ability needs to be further improved. Innovating the design of Yancheng’s red cultural and tourism products is conducive to inheriting Yancheng’s red culture and revolutionary spirit, further deepening the development of Yancheng’s cultural and tourism industry, and promoting the red revolutionary culture to be known to more people.
文章引用:陆明珺. 文旅融合视域下盐城市红色文创产品设计研究[J]. 设计, 2024, 9(1): 44-49. https://doi.org/10.12677/Design.2024.91006


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