Research and Aesthetic Application of Guizhou Majiang Type Copper Drum Surface Decoration Design
DOI: 10.12677/Design.2024.91005, PDF, 下载: 335  浏览: 414 
作者: 赵上瑜:贵州大学历史与民族文化学院,贵州 贵阳
关键词: 麻江型铜鼓纹饰设计美学应用Majiang Type Copper Drum Decorative Design Aesthetic Application
摘要: 麻江型铜鼓是黔东南苗族侗族自治州麻江县谷峒火车站出土的一类鼓,代表着贵州黔东南地区的文化遗产。作为黔东南人民祭祀和庆典的重要元素,麻江型铜鼓承载着丰富的民族意义。然而,随着经济发展的推进,黔东南地区的民族意识逐渐减弱,导致这一文化载体被逐渐遗忘。因此,文章聚焦于铜鼓鼓面纹样,挖掘鼓面纹样的内涵,对鼓面纹样进行美学分析,进而得到其在现代美学中的应用途径,以期能够帮助传承铜鼓文化,并为贵州旅游事业发展增添动力。
Abstract: The Majiang type copper drum is a type of drum unearthed from Gudong Railway Station in Majiang County, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, representing the cultural heritage of the Qiandongnan region in Guizhou. As an important element of sacrifices and celebrations for the people of southeastern Guizhou, the Majiang shaped bronze drum carries rich ethnic significance. However, with the advancement of economic development, the ethnic consciousness in southeastern Guizhou gradually weakens, leading to the gradual forgetting of this cultural carrier. Therefore, the article focuses on the bronze drum surface patterns, excavates the connotation of the drum surface patterns, conducts aesthetic analysis of the drum surface patterns, and obtains their application paths in modern aesthetics, in order to help inherit the bronze drum culture and add impetus to the development of tourism in Guizhou.
文章引用:赵上瑜. 贵州麻江型铜鼓鼓面纹饰设计研究与美学应用[J]. 设计, 2024, 9(1): 34-43. https://doi.org/10.12677/Design.2024.91005


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