Quantum Channel Representation ofQBNs-Space-Time InhomogeneousOpen Quantum Walk
DOI: 10.12677/PM.2024.141026, PDF, 下载: 140  浏览: 248 
作者: 于媛媛*, 张丽霞:西北师范大学,数学与统计学院,甘肃 兰州
关键词: 量子 Bernoulli 噪声开放量子游荡时空非齐次量子信道Quantum Bernoulli Noises Open Quantum Walk Space-Time Inhomogeneous Quantum Channel
摘要: 量子 Bernoulli 噪声(QBNs) 是 Bernoulli 泛函空间和作用于其上的涅灭、增生算子族,满足一 种等时的典则反交换关系。 本文基于量子 Bernoulli 噪声方法,考虑了一维时空非齐次开放量子 游荡,通过时空非齐次性的 coin 算子对序列引入 Kraus 算子系并进行了相关研究,利用 Kraus 算子系给出该游荡的量子信道表示并讨论其性质。
Abstract: Quantum Bernoulli noises are a family of annihilation and creation operators acting on Bernoulli functionals, which satisfy a canonical anti-commutation relation in equal time. In this paper, based on the quantum Bernoulli noises method, we consider one- dimensional space-time inhomogeneous open quantum walk. The Kraus operators system is introduced and investigated by means of space-time inhomogeneous coin operator pairs. We give the quantum channel representation of the model by using the Kraus operator system and discuss its properties.
文章引用:于媛媛, 张丽霞. QBNs-时空非齐次开放量子游荡的量子信道表示[J]. 理论数学, 2024, 14(1): 241-252. https://doi.org/10.12677/PM.2024.141026


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