An Exploration of the Educational Function of Science Popularization Texts
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2024.141117, PDF, 下载: 140  浏览: 192  科研立项经费支持
作者: 付晓丽:河北师范大学外国语学院,河北 石家庄
关键词: 科普语篇教育功能基础科普高阶科普确定知识参考知识Science Popularization Text Educational Function Basic Science Popularization Higher Science Popularization Certain Knowledge Reference Knowledge
摘要: 科普类语篇泛指科普类的文章和著作。科普类语篇有教育意义,但学界目前对科普语篇的教育功能的深入探讨还较少。本文引介国际学术界对科普语篇的相关研究,并结合自身教学实践经验,对科普语篇的教育功能进行详细阐述。根据科普语篇所呈现的知识的确定性的不同情况,本文把科普语篇的目标分为基础科普与高阶科普两大类,分别对这两类科普语篇的特点进行了分析。此外,本文还就如何有效推进高阶科普创作工作,提出了几点建议。
Abstract: Science popularization text refers to popular science articles and books. Science popularization text has educational significance. However, the explorations in the academic circle on the educational function of popular science discourse are not sufficient. The paper introduces the relevant studies of science popularization text in international academic circles. Based on actual practice experience, the educational function of popular science text is expounded in detail. Depending on the varying degrees of the certainty of knowledge presented in science popularization text, two types of science popularization are distinguished: basic science popularization and higher science popularization. The characteristics of these two types of science popularization are analyzed. In addition, the paper puts forward suggestions on the production development of higher science popularization.
文章引用:付晓丽. 科普类语篇的教育功能探究[J]. 教育进展, 2024, 14(1): 751-756. https://doi.org/10.12677/AE.2024.141117


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