Removing Barriers to Growth—The Application of Psychosocial Interventions in Improving the Academic Achievement of Disadvantaged Students
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2024.141114, PDF, 下载: 255  浏览: 337  国家社会科学基金支持
作者: 杨宝琰:西北师范大学心理学院,甘肃 兰州;牟 洁:广元中核职业技术学院,四川 广元
关键词: 社会心理干预学业成就弱势地位学生Social Psychosocial Intervention Academic Achievement Disadvantaged Students
摘要: 促进学业成就的社会心理干预旨在从学生的实际出发,针对学生的思维、情感和学校信念进行简短干预,以长期有效的提高学生的学业成就。本文在总结国外有关社会心理干预在提高弱势地位学生学业成就领域的主要研究成果的基础上,重点介绍了社会心理干预的主要形式及其效果,以及致使社会心理干预有效的关键成分,最后提出在促进弱势地位学生学业成就这一领域内深入开展社会心理干预研究工作的具体建议,包括构建基于学校、家庭和学生的综合社会心理干预模式、加强理论基础研究等。
Abstract: The psychosocial intervention to promote academic achievement aims to improve students’ aca-demic achievement in the long term and effectively improve their academic achievement. Based on summarizing the main research results of psychosocial intervention in the field of improving the academic achievement of disadvantaged students, this paper focuses on the main forms and effects of psychosocial intervention, as well as the key components that make psychosocial intervention ef-fective, and finally puts forward specific suggestions for indepth research on psychosocial interven-tion in the field of promoting the academic achievement of disadvantaged students, including the construction of a comprehensive psychosocial intervention model based on school, family and students, and strengthening the theoretical basis research.
文章引用:杨宝琰, 牟洁. 移除成长的障碍——社会心理干预在提高弱势地位学生学业成就中的应用[J]. 教育进展, 2024, 14(1): 730-738. https://doi.org/10.12677/AE.2024.141114


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