Exploration and Application of Physics Family Experiments under the New Curriculum Standards
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2023.1112599, PDF, 下载: 265  浏览: 345 
作者: 李俊娴:龙泉驿区向阳桥中学,四川 成都
关键词: 新课标初中物理家庭实验实践探索New Curriculum Standards Junior High School Physics Family Experiments Practical Exploration
摘要: 在素质教育实施的过程中,物理课程内容得到了进一步的完善,2022物理新课标在实验探究上亦增加了大量的学生必做类实验和科普类信息元素,但由于课堂教学时间有限,很多实验无法尽善尽美,常规课中大多数老师采用的则是以播放视频或讲实验代替实验教学,学生体验不足,加之突发的疫情,线上教学导致很多实验都无法开展,因此利用学生课余时间开展家庭物理实验很有必要。本文就初中物理5大板块的家庭实验设计进行个别案例分析,旨在提升学生的物理学科素养,讲物理知识与生活相联系,落实双减,激发学生对物理学科的兴趣。
Abstract: In the process of implementing quality education, the content of physics courses has been further improved. The 2022 physics new curriculum standard has also added a large number of students’ required experiments and popular science information elements in experimental exploration. However, due to limited classroom teaching time, many experiments cannot be perfect. In regular classes, most teachers use playing videos or lectures on experiments instead of experimental teaching, which results in insufficient student experience, In addition to the sudden outbreak of the epidemic, online teaching has led to many experiments being unable to be carried out, so it is necessary to use students’ spare time to carry out home physics experiments. This article conducts individual case studies on the design of family experiments in the five major sections of junior high school physics, aiming to enhance students’ physics literacy, link physics knowledge with daily life, implement double reduction, and stimulate students’ interest in physics.
文章引用:李俊娴. “新课程标准”下物理家庭实验的探索与应用[J]. 创新教育研究, 2023, 11(12): 4083-4093. https://doi.org/10.12677/CES.2023.1112599


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