The Study on Joint Construction of Teacher’s Ethics and Curriculum Ideology and Politics in Local College—Taking the Speciality of Law as an Example
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2023.1112596, PDF, 下载: 194  浏览: 255  科研立项经费支持
作者: 邢 冰:济南大学政法学院,山东 济南
关键词: 地方高校师德师风课程思政法学专业联动建设Local College Teacher’s Ethics Curriculum Ideology and Politics the Speciality of Law Joint Construction
摘要: 地方高校作为培养高素质人才的重镇,其法学专业教育承担着为国家培养基层法治人才的重要使命,在全面推进依法治国的时代背景下,实现师德师风建设和课程思政建设二者联动,共同促进,是法学教师培养和法治人才培养的双赢之路,也是二者建设的必由之路。地方高校应立足当前师德师风建设的现状及存在问题,结合法学专业课程思政建设的特点和发展,围绕法学专业课程思政和师德师风两大建设的联动发展及实践推进展开研究,优化师德师风构建思路,拓展提升路径,完善师德师风的建设方案,多样化建设措施。
Abstract: As the important center of personnel training, the local colleges have the legal professional education that under take the important mission of cultivating the talents of the rule of law for the country. In the era of comprehensively implementing the rule of law, the linkage of construction between teacher’s ethics and the curriculum ideology and politics is the win-win way of training law teachers and talents, and is the only road to the construction of both. Based on the present situation and problems of teacher’s ethics, local colleges should conduct research on the linkage between teacher’s ethics and the curriculum ideology and politics on law major, optimize construction ideas of teacher’s ethics, expand the promotion path on teacher’s ethics, improve construction plan for teacher’s ethics, and diversify construction measures of teacher’s ethics.
文章引用:邢冰. 地方高校师德师风与课程思政联动建设研究——以法学专业为例[J]. 创新教育研究, 2023, 11(12): 4065-4070. https://doi.org/10.12677/CES.2023.1112596


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