Study on the Improvement of the Ideological and Political Competence for Curriculum of Foreign Language Teachers in Universities from the Perspective of National Consciousness
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2023.1112595, PDF, 下载: 175  浏览: 239  科研立项经费支持
作者: 史 龙, 朱清伟:平顶山学院外国语学院,河南 平顶山
关键词: 国家意识高校外语教师课程思政素养提升路径National Consciousness College Foreign Language Teachers Curriculum Ideological and Political Competence The Way to Improvement
摘要: 高校外语教师课程思政素养提升与外语教育立德树人的根本任务紧密相关,本文从国家意识视阈出发,在外语教育教学改革的需要、推进落实外语课程思政的基石、提高外语人才培养质量的关键三个层面分析了高校外语教师课程思政素养提升的必要性;从更新与转变认知维度、提升语言意识形态的甄别与文化价值取向的鉴别的素养、主动进行课程思政研究,以理论指导教学实践三个维度提出了国家意识视阈下的高校外语教师课程思政素养提升路径。
Abstract: The improvement of the ideological and political competence for curriculum of foreign language teachers in universities is closely related to the fundamental task of nurturing morality and cultivating talent in foreign language education. From the perspective of national consciousness, this paper analyzes the necessity of the improvement of college foreign language teachers’ ideological and political competence for curriculum from three aspects: The need of foreign language education reform, the cornerstone of promoting the implementation of foreign language curriculum ideological and political competence, and the key to improving the quality of foreign language talents. From the three dimensions of updating and changing cognitive dimension, improving the quality of the awareness of linguistic ideology and cultural value orientation, taking the initiative to carry out curriculum ideological and political research, and guiding teaching practice with theory, this paper puts forward a way to improve the ideological and political competence of college foreign language teachers under the perspective of national consciousness.
文章引用:史龙, 朱清伟. 国家意识视阈下的高校外语教师课程思政素养提升路径研究[J]. 创新教育研究, 2023, 11(12): 4059-4064. https://doi.org/10.12677/CES.2023.1112595


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