Metaverse Empowering Future Education: New Paths and Challenges of Gamified Immersive Learning in Colleges and Universities
DOI: 10.12677/JC.2023.114161, PDF, 下载: 225  浏览: 344 
作者: 徐甜甜, 王政霖:北京印刷学院,新闻传播学院,北京;陈鹤杰:北京印刷学院,经济管理学院,北京
关键词: 元宇宙游戏化高校教育新路径 Meta-Universe Gamification College Education New Path
摘要: 2022年被称为“教育元宇宙”元年,推动人类教育向数字新世界迁徙。游戏作为元宇宙的雏形,其与学习之间又存在着天然的关联性。高等教育搭车元宇宙,以游戏作承载形态。底层技术统摄沉浸式学习新环境,政策支撑加速布局发展,发挥元宇宙 + 游戏化学习无限可能性,构建虚实融合新图景让游戏回归教育本质,真正实现寓教于乐。
Abstract: The year 2022 has been called the year of “education meta-universe”, promoting human education to migrate to the new digital world. As a prototype of the meta-universe, there is a natural correlation between games and learning. Higher education is riding on the meta-universe, with games as its carrier. The underlying technology unifies the new environment of immersive learning, the policy support accelerates the layout and development, gives play to the infinite possibilities of meta-universe + gamified learning, and builds a new picture of virtual-reality integration to let the game return to the essence of education, and truly realize teaching for fun.
文章引用:徐甜甜, 陈鹤杰, 王政霖. 元宇宙赋能未来教育:高校游戏化沉浸式学习新路径与挑战[J]. 新闻传播科学, 2023, 11(4): 1094-1099. https://doi.org/10.12677/JC.2023.114161


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