Exploring the Personality IP of Self Media Accounts
DOI: 10.12677/JC.2023.114160, PDF, 下载: 134  浏览: 207 
作者: 高诗晴:北京印刷学院新闻传播学院,北京
关键词: 人格IP健康传播网络社区内容生产 Personality Intellectual Property Health Communication Online Community Content Production
摘要: 运动博主周六野创作健身及女性题材相关内容,打造出属于自己的人格IP,建立起完整的、独特的价值体系,让更多人从中学习到运动有关的知识,用更乐观、积极的态度、更健康地生活,她亲切的形象也增强用户黏性,并逐步开启了自己商业化的路径。这启发更多内容创作者打造自己的人格IP,形成具有高黏性的社群,有效提升变现能力。
Abstract: Zoey, a fitness blogger, creates content related to fitness knowledge and female topic, creating her own unique personality IP and establishing a complete and specific value system, which enable more people to learn knowledge related to fitness, and to live more optimistically, positively and healthily. Her friendly image also enhances user stickiness and gradually opens up her own path to commercialization, which inspires more content creators to build their own personality IP, forming a highly cohesive community and effectively im-proving their liquidity.
文章引用:高诗晴. 自媒体账号人格IP探究[J]. 新闻传播科学, 2023, 11(4): 1088-1093. https://doi.org/10.12677/JC.2023.114160


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