Research on the Dissemination Status of Public Service Advertisements in China in the Era of New Media
DOI: 10.12677/JC.2023.114159, PDF, 下载: 286  浏览: 449 
作者: 田傲柏:河北师范大学新闻传播学院,河北 石家庄
关键词: 公益广告新媒体传播现状受众 Public Service Advertising New Media Communication Status Audience
摘要: 公益广告在引导公众的价值观,传播社会主流价值观方面发挥着导向作用。在新媒体时代,传播的理念和行为都产生了深刻的变化。在传统媒体时代,是以传播者为主导的传播模式。在新媒体时代,则以受众为中心,公益广告传播的重心侧重于受众的行为需求和心理需求。本文将深入探讨新媒体环境下我国公益广告的传播现状,并对新媒体环境下公益广告的良好发展做出深入思考。
Abstract: Public service advertisements play a guiding role in guiding public values and disseminating social mainstream values. In the new media era, the concept and behavior of communication have undergone profound changes. In the era of traditional media, it is a communication model dominated by communicators. In the era of new media, it is audience-centered, and the focus of public service advertising communication focuses on the behavioral and psychological needs of the audience. This article will deeply discuss the dissemination status of China’s public service advertising in the new media environment, and think deeply about the good development of public service advertising in the new media environment.
文章引用:田傲柏. 新媒体时代下我国公益广告的传播现状研究[J]. 新闻传播科学, 2023, 11(4): 1083-1087. https://doi.org/10.12677/JC.2023.114159


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