Current Status and Future Prospects of Reading Perceptual Breadth Research
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2023.1312759, PDF, 下载: 240  浏览: 371  科研立项经费支持
作者: 潘国庆:内蒙古师范大学心理学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特
关键词: 阅读知觉广度眼动Reading Perceptual Breadth Eye Movements
摘要: 阅读知觉广度指的是读者从一次注视中获得有效信息的范围大小,对于阅读能力的培养至关重要。本文述评了关于测量阅读知觉广度的实验范式:移动窗口范式与移动掩蔽范式及其实验逻辑,当前拼音文字与汉语阅读知觉广度的研究进展以及影响阅读知觉广度大小的因素,最后对未来国内阅读知觉广度研究进行展望与建议。
Abstract: Reading perceptual breadth refers to the extent of effective information that readers obtain from a single gaze, and is crucial for the development of reading ability. This paper reviews the experimental paradigms for measuring reading perceptual breadth: the moving window paradigm and the moving mask paradigm and their experimental logics, the progress of the current research on reading perceptual breadth in pinyin and Chinese, and the factors affecting the size of reading perceptual breadth, and finally, it gives an outlook and suggestions for the future research on reading perceptual breadth in China.
文章引用:潘国庆 (2023). 阅读知觉广度研究现状与未来展望. 心理学进展, 13(12), 5976-5984. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2023.1312759


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