Review and Prospect of Teaching-Oriented Research on Chinese and Japanese Classifiers
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2023.1112804, PDF, 下载: 144  浏览: 213  科研立项经费支持
作者: 陈佳慧, 王 冲:大连理工大学外国语学院,辽宁 大连
关键词: 量词汉日对比习得语义通达Classifiers Chinese-Japanese Comparison Acquisition Lexical Access
摘要: 本文分析了汉日量词研究的发展趋势,回顾了研究方法的步步革新。结果发现,长期以来关于汉日量词的研究主要集中于汉日对比研究以及采用语法判断任务、填空任务和翻译任务等研究方法的习得研究。近十多年来,汉日量词的研究开始融合实验心理学,转向语义通达方向。最后,在此基础上对面向教学的汉日量词研究提出了展望。
Abstract: This paper analyzes the development trends of Chinese and Japanese classifiers research, and reviews the progressive innovations of research methods. The results indicate that the long-term researches on Chinese and Japanese classifiers mainly focused on comparative studies of Chinese and Japanese, as well as the acquisition studies using methods such as grammatical judgment, filling the blank, and translation. In the recent decade, the research on Chinese and Japanese classifiers has begun to integrate experimental psychology and turn to the direction of lexical access. Finally, based on these findings, this paper presents prospect for teaching-oriented research on Chinese and Japanese classifiers.
文章引用:陈佳慧, 王冲. 面向教学的汉日量词研究述评及展望[J]. 现代语言学, 2023, 11(12): 6000-6006. https://doi.org/10.12677/ML.2023.1112804


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