A Preliminary Study on Chief Physician Li Yuchao’s Thinking and Clinical Experience in Treating Heart Bi Disease
DOI: 10.12677/TCM.2023.1212516, PDF, 下载: 191  浏览: 231  科研立项经费支持
作者: 梁立锋, 黎裕朝*:广西玉林市中医医院,广西 玉林
关键词: 黎裕朝心痹病名师经验Li Yuchao Heart Bi Disease Experience of Famous Teachers
摘要: 心痹病患者临床表现错综复杂,变化多端,病情反复,缠绵难愈。而广西地区患者受环境影响,表现多兼有湿热邪气。黎裕朝主任医师从痰、瘀、虚等方面出发,并根据病情的不同临床表现及病势灵活选用药物治疗,获得了不错的临床疗效。现总结其经验,以供临床参考。
Abstract: The clinical manifestations of patients with heart Bi are intricate, varied, repeated, lingering and difficult to heal. The patients in Guangxi region were affected by the environment, and showed more evil spirits of dampness and heat. Chief physician Li Yuchao started from phlegm, blood stasis, deficiency and other aspects, and according to the different clinical manifestations and conditions of the disease flexible choice of drugs treatment, obtained good clinical effect.
文章引用:梁立锋, 黎裕朝. 黎裕朝主任医师治疗心痹病思路及临证经验初探[J]. 中医学, 2023, 12(12): 3468-3472. https://doi.org/10.12677/TCM.2023.1212516


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