Empowering Government Governance with Metaverse: Logic, Risks, and Governance
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2023.1312197, PDF, 下载: 226  浏览: 378  科研立项经费支持
作者: 徐 畅, 刘雪凤:中国矿业大学公共管理学院,江苏 徐州
关键词: 元宇宙政府治理风险治理Metaverse Government Governance Risk Governance
摘要: 随着云计算、大数据、区块链、人工智能等数字技术不断成熟,一个规模巨大的数字世界正在形成,元宇宙将成为未来数字世界的重要发展方向。探究将元宇宙应用于政府治理可以为促进政府数字化转型、提升国家治理现代化能力提供新思路。在梳理元宇宙赋能政府治理的理论逻辑和现实逻辑的基础上,分析了元宇宙赋能政府治理存在数据安全风险、法律风险、极化与异化风险等潜在风险,针对以上风险,提出了如下治理策略:一是筑牢安全防线,二是健全相关法律,三是加强科技伦理治理。
Abstract: With the continuous maturity of digital technologies such as cloud computing, big data, blockchain, and artificial intelligence, a large-scale digital world is taking shape, and the metaverse will become an important development direction for the future digital world. Exploring the application of the metaverse in government governance can provide new ideas for promoting government digital transformation and enhancing the modernization of national governance capabilities. On the basis of sorting out the theoretical and practical logic of metaverse empowering government governance, this paper analyzes the potential risks such as data security risks, legal risks, polarization and alienation risks in metaverse empowering government governance. In response to the above risks, the following governance strategies are proposed: firstly, to build a solid security defense line, secondly, to improve relevant laws, and thirdly, to strengthen scientific and technological ethics governance.
文章引用:徐畅, 刘雪凤. 元宇宙赋能政府治理:逻辑、风险及治理[J]. 现代管理, 2023, 13(12): 1561-1569. https://doi.org/10.12677/MM.2023.1312197


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