The Educational Connotation of Confucius’ Thought of “Standardize People” and Its Enlightenment on the Construction of Teacher Ethics in Universities in the New Era
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2023.1211878, PDF, 下载: 145  浏览: 202 
作者: 张 屿:重庆师范大学马克思主义学院,重庆
关键词: 正人正己师德师风教育价值孔子Standardize Others and Oneself Teacher’s Ethics and Style Educational Value Confucius
摘要: 中国传统儒家讲究“正人”思想,“正人”思想不仅在政治领域具有极强的启发性,教育领域也有极为丰富的内涵。孔子“正人”思想的教育内涵可以概括为:“正人先正己,正己先正德”,其中尊礼守度是“正己”的做法,自律是“正德”的必要条件,仁、礼并重是“正德”的准则。高校作为高素质人才资源的主要供给者,孔子“正人”思想不仅贯穿两千年中国教育发展的脉络,还与当代高校师德建设在目标、内容、建设途径上具有内在契合性,但“正人”思想在新时代面临道德发展困境,其与新时代高校师德建设的融合转化需要学校、教师、国家三方的联合,进而推动我国教育强国与文化强国建设并进,为第二个百年奋斗目标提供不竭的精神动力。
Abstract: Traditional Chinese Confucianism emphasizes the idea of “standardize people”, which not only has strong inspiration in the political field, but also has extremely rich connotations in the field of education. The educational connotation of Confucius’ “standardize person” ideology can be summarized as follows: “standardize person first corrects oneself, standardize oneself first corrects virtue”, among which respecting etiquette and keeping one’s own standards is the practice of “standardize oneself”, self-discipline is a necessary condition of “standardize virtue”, and the principle of “standardize virtue” is the equal emphasis on benevolence and propriety. As the main supplier of high-quality talent resources, universities and colleges, Confucius’ “standardize person” ideology not only runs through the context of China’s education development for two thousand years, but also has inherent consistency with the goals, content, and construction methods of contemporary university teacher ethics construction. However, the “standardize person” ideology faces moral development difficulties in the new era, and its integration and transformation with the construction of university teacher ethics in the new era require the joint efforts of schools, teachers, and the state. Furthermore, we will promote the construction of a strong education and cultural country in China, providing inexhaustible spiritual motivation for the second centenary goal.
文章引用:张屿. 孔子“正人”思想的教育内涵及对新时代高校师德建设的启示[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2023, 12(11): 6411-6417. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2023.1211878


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