Analysis of the Coupling and Coordination Degree between Rural Revitalization and Left-Behind Labor Force—Taking Anhui Province as an Example
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2023.1211877, PDF, 下载: 134  浏览: 206  科研立项经费支持
作者: 卢 婷, 郭家璇:安徽财经大学统计与应用数学学院,安徽 蚌埠;白玉箫:安徽财经大学会计学院,安徽 蚌埠
关键词: 乡村振兴留守劳动力支持熵权法耦合协调度模型Rural Revitalization Left-Behind Labor Force Support Entropy Weight Method Coupling Coordination Degree Model
摘要: 乡村振兴与留守劳动力具有重要关系。首先,文章分别针对乡村振兴测度和留守劳动力支持测度构建指标体系。然后,利用熵权法得出乡村振兴系统和留守劳动力支持系统的综合评价值,再建立耦合协调度模型对两个系统进行耦合度和耦合协调度分析。研究结果表明,乡村振兴系统综合评价值和留守劳动力支持系统综合评价值整体水平趋于上升阶段,且乡村振兴系统发展水平明显高于留守劳动力支持系统发展水平;乡村振兴系统和留守劳动力支持系统耦合协调程度从严重失调发展到优质协调,相互作用关系增强。最后,基于研究结果给出结论和建议。
Abstract: Rural revitalization has an important relationship with the left-behind labor force. First of all, this paper constructs an index system for rural revitalization measurement and left-behind labor force support measurement respectively. Then, the entropy weight method is used to obtain the comprehensive evaluation value of the rural revitalization system and the left-behind labor support system, and then the coupled coordination degree model is established to analyze the coupling degree and coupling coordination degree of the two systems. The research results show that the overall level of rural revitalization system and comprehensive evaluation value of left-behind labor support system tends to rise, and the development level of rural revitalization system is significantly higher than that of left-behind labor support system; the coupling and coordination degree of rural revitalization system and left-behind labor support system develops from serious imbalance to quality coordination, and the interaction relationship is enhanced. Finally, some conclusions and suggestions are given based on the study results.
文章引用:卢婷, 郭家璇, 白玉箫. 乡村振兴与留守劳动力的耦合协调度分析——以安徽省为例[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2023, 12(11): 6403-6410. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2023.1211877


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