Digital Technology and Rural Governance: Shaping and Supporting Communities
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2023.1211876, PDF, 下载: 201  浏览: 300 
作者: 朱欢欢:浙江师范大学法学院,浙江 金华;周 露:新疆科技学院经济学院,新疆 库尔勒
关键词: 技术乡村治理共同体动力支撑Technology Rural Governance Community Power Prop Up
摘要: 本论文探讨了数字技术在乡村治理中的作用,特别关注数字技术如何塑造和支持乡村共同体的发展。在当今全球化和城市化的趋势下,乡村地区面临着多样化的挑战,包括乡村资源匮乏、人口减少和技术壁垒等问题。为了应对这些挑战,数字技术已经成为一种重要的工具,可以促进乡村治理的改进和共同体的塑造。这其中村民、村级组织、社会组织共同构成了乡村治理共同体中的治理主体,技术在其中起着桥梁与纽带的作用,促进了乡村治理格局的新形态的形成。
Abstract: This paper explores the role of digital technologies in rural governance, with a particular focus on how digital technologies shape and support the development of rural communities. Under the trend of globalization and urbanization, rural areas are faced with a variety of challenges, including the lack of rural resources, population reduction and technical barriers. To address these challenges, digital technology has become an important tool for improving village governance and shaping the community. Among them, villagers, village-level organizations and social organizations together constitute the main body of governance in the rural governance community, in which technology plays a role of bridge and link, and promotes the formation of a new pattern of rural governance.
文章引用:朱欢欢, 周露. 数字技术与乡村治理:共同体的塑造与支持[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2023, 12(11): 6397-6402. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2023.1211876


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