A New Perspective on Intellectual Property: The Legal Personality of the Metaverse Incarnate
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2023.1211875, PDF, 下载: 172  浏览: 219 
作者: 张镱耀:贵州师范大学法学院,贵州 贵阳
关键词: 元宇宙法律人格知识产权化身数字人Metaverse Legal Personality Intellectual Property Right Incarnation Digital Person
摘要: 元宇宙是一个虚拟的数字世界,其中包含了各种虚拟现实、增强现实和区块链技术。在元宇宙中,知识产权保护成为一个重要的议题。在元宇宙发展成熟时,虚拟与现实的壁垒将被打破,虚拟空间与现实空间的联系将会达到一个全新的高度,人类将通过化身的形式在虚拟世界中进行创作、设计等活动。在传统的实体世界中,知识产权的保护相对容易,因为可以通过法律和法规来规范和保护。然而,在元宇宙中,人们可以自由地创造和分享内容,这使得知识产权的辨别变得困难。如何准确定义和保护知识产权成为了一个亟待解决的问题。元宇宙的应用将会引发人们在虚拟空间中的各种知识产权关系,化身作为元宇宙中的行为主体,讨论其是否具有法律人格是知识产权在元宇宙中适用的前提。元宇宙对知识产权带来的问题,要从对元宇宙的理解出发,以化身的角度对知识产权问题进行分析,探索用现有知识产权法律制度对元宇宙空间中的相关知识产权问题进行规制的可能性。
Abstract: The metaverse is a virtual digital world that includes various virtual reality, augmented reality, and blockchain technologies. In the metaverse, intellectual property protection has become an important issue. When the metaverse matures, the barriers between virtual and reality will be broken, and the connection between virtual space and real space will reach a new level. Humans will create, design, and other activities in the virtual world through the form of avatars. In the traditional physical world, the protection of intellectual property is relatively easy because it can be regulated and protected through laws and regulations. However, in the metaverse, people are free to create and share content, which makes it difficult to distinguish intellectual property rights. How to accurately define and protect intellectual property has become an urgent problem to be solved. The application of the metaverse will trigger various intellectual property relationships among people in virtual space. As the subject of behavior in the metaverse, discussing whether the avatar has legal personality is a prerequisite for the application of intellectual property in the metaverse. The problems brought about by intellectual property rights in the metaverse should be analyzed from the perspective of incarnation, starting from the understanding of the metaverse. The possibility of using existing intellectual property legal systems to regulate related intellectual property issues in the metaverse space should be explored.
文章引用:张镱耀. 知识产权新视角:元宇宙化身的法律人格[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2023, 12(11): 6386-6396. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2023.1211875


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