Design Strategies of High School Mathematics Homework Based on Discipline Core Literacy
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2023.13111318, PDF, 下载: 349  浏览: 555  科研立项经费支持
作者: 曾远婷, 崔静静*:西昌学院理学院,四川 西昌
关键词: 核心素养数学作业现状分析设计策略Core Literacy Mathematics Homework Current Situation Analysis Design Strategies
摘要: 对高中数学作业的目标、内容、实施、评价设计进行问题与现状分析。从指向学生数学核心素养发展的视角,提出了作业目标设计课标化、作业内容设计一体化、作业实施设计联系化、作业评价设计多元化的高中数学作业设计策略。
Abstract: The goal, content, implementation and evaluation design of high school math homework are analyzed. This paper, from the perspective of the development of students’ mathematics core literacy, puts forward the design strategy of high school mathematics homework, which includes the stand-ardization of homework target design, the integration of homework content design, the connection of homework implementation design and the diversification of homework evaluation design.
文章引用:曾远婷, 崔静静. 基于学科核心素养的高中数学作业设计策略[J]. 教育进展, 2023, 13(11): 8535-8541. https://doi.org/10.12677/AE.2023.13111318


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