The Enlightenment of Germany’s “Dual System” Education on China’s Integration System of Industry and Education in Vocational Education —Based on the Perspective of the Triple Helix Model
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2023.13111317, PDF, 下载: 338  浏览: 634 
作者: 李钰婷, 董一林, 王小珑:武汉工程大学马克思主义学院,湖北 武汉
关键词: 职业教育产教融合“双元制”模式三螺旋模型Vocational Education Integration of Industry and Education “Dual System” Mode Triple Helix Model
摘要: 本文基于三螺旋模型的视角分析德国“双元制”职业教育模式,发现其根据人才需求设置学程,重视“双师型”教师的培训,关注学生实践动手能力对产教融合效果的提升,突出法律法规对职业教育的保障,有力地推进了德国工业现代化进程。借鉴德国经验,针对我国目前经费投入不足、配套机制效果差、企业参与职业教育积极性不足、职业高校发展自我定位不明确、“双师型”教师队伍供给不足等问题,提出我国职业教育要推动产教融合促进经济发展,政府必须以充足的财政投入支撑职业教育的发展,建立政府、院校、企业的成本分担机制,以完善的政策和法律体系保障职业教育的发展。高校要了解当前和预测未来企业技能人才需求状况,培养符合实际要求的复合型、创新型、技能型人才,加强“双师型”教师队伍建设。企业应主动参与校企合作,以充分的实践教学促进产业创新人才辈出,积极承担社会责任义务。
Abstract: This article analyzes the German “dual system” vocational education model from the perspective of the triple helix model, and finds that it sets academic programs based on talent needs. We attach great importance to the training of “dual teacher” teachers, pay attention to the improvement of students’ practical skills in the integration of industry and education, highlight the protection of laws and regulations for vocational education, and effectively promote the process of industrial modernization in Germany. Drawing on the experience of Germany, we aim to address the current lack of funding investment, poor effectiveness of supporting mechanisms, insufficient enthusiasm for enterprises to participate in vocational education, unclear self-positioning of vocational colleges for development, and “dual teacher” in China. The issue of insufficient supply of teaching staff suggests that in order to promote the integration of industry and education and promote economic development in China’s vocational education, the government must support the development of voca-tional education with sufficient financial investment, establish a cost sharing mechanism for the government, universities, and enterprises, and ensure the development of vocational education with a sound policy and legal system. Colleges and universities should understand the current and predicted future demand for skilled talents in enterprises, cultivate composite, innovative, and skilled talents that meet practical requirements, and strengthen the construction of a “dual teacher” teaching team. Enterprises should actively participate in school-enterprise cooperation, promote industrial innovation through full practical teaching, and actively assume social responsibility obligations.
文章引用:李钰婷, 董一林, 王小珑. 德国“双元制”教育对我国职业教育产教融合体系的启示——基于三螺旋模型视角[J]. 教育进展, 2023, 13(11): 8526-8534. https://doi.org/10.12677/AE.2023.13111317


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