Analysis of the Connotation of General Education in the Context of the New Era
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2023.13111314, PDF, 下载: 346  浏览: 423 
作者: 时新洁, 李奥楠:山西师范大学教育科学学院,山西 太原
关键词: 通识教育发展历程内涵General Education Development History Connotation
摘要: 新时代通识教育的发展是建立在新的时代背景和现代高等教育语义环境之下的“通识教育”。通识教育在高等教育改革的地位日益凸显,受到越来越多高校的热烈追逐。为了更清楚的认识和理解通识教育,澄清其核心内涵。本文通过回顾通识教育在中西方高等教育发展史中的历史渊源,探讨最初通识教育的形式,旨在理解新时代中国文化背景下通识教育的概念内涵。同时,结合学者对该概念内涵的已有研究,明确了我国新时代通识教育的本质。通识教育的核心在于“育人”而非“育才”,培养学生的综合素质,而非仅仅专注于职业技能的培养。它强调对学生灵魂的熏陶、精神世界的充实、人格的独立和共同核心价值的塑造,但也不能忽视对基础知识和基本能力的培养,这里的知识和能力并不是直接与学生将来的职业相关,而是使其成为一个独立的“人”,从而使学生能够获得永续发展。
Abstract: The development of general education is established in the context of the new era and the semantic environment of modern higher education. The position of general education in higher education re-form is increasingly prominent, and it is being hotly pursued by more and more universities. In or-der to have a clearer understanding of general education and clarify its core connotation, this article reviews the historical origins of general education in the development history of higher education in both the East and the West. It explores the initial forms of general education, aiming to comprehend the conceptual connotation of general education in the context of contemporary Chinese culture. Additionally, by incorporating existing research on the concept, it clarifies the essence of general education in China in the new era. The core of general education lies in “educating people” rather than “educating talent”. It aims to cultivate students’ comprehensive qualities rather than solely focusing on the development of vocational skills. It emphasizes the cultivation of students’ souls, enrichment of their spiritual world, development of individual personalities, and the shaping of common core values. However, it should not overlook the cultivation of basic knowledge and fundamental abilities. The knowledge and skills acquired in general education are not directly related to students’ future careers, but rather make them independent individuals, enabling them to achieve sustainable development.
文章引用:时新洁, 李奥楠. 新时代背景下通识教育内涵探析[J]. 教育进展, 2023, 13(11): 8505-8512. https://doi.org/10.12677/AE.2023.13111314


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